Committee Meeting 2020-10-15 (2020-10-16 in Australia)

The meeting will take place at 20:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

Northern Winter: 08:00 PM GMT = 21:00 CET = 15:00 New York EST = 07:00 Australia AEDT
Northern Summer: 08:00 PM GMT = 22:00 CEST = 16:00 New York EDT = 06:00 Australia AEST

Feel free to add a business item within the acceptance period of 48 hours or your question to the board below. Non-committee Members: Committee may choose to convert any business proposed as a question in the questions section.

This will be a short meeting. You may miss some of your favourite topics that takes a lot of time. You may vote about minutes, agendas, etc. later. The goal of this meeting is to make at least two decisions so that the teams can continue to work as hard as they did in the past weeks. If there is remaining time, we may share some information.


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Who is making minutes?
    3. Is there a time limit? Who is time keeper?
    4. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private or cacert-board maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

  2. Business

    Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting latest!

    1. Future (maybe to be skipped)
      1. Arbitration: report on the progress with applicants (FD)
      2. Business Model "security hardware appliances" (FD)
        1. Interview with the project leader of the "CAcert for safety hardware equipment" idea.
        2. Interview with the project leader of the " CAcert for blockchain " idea.
      3. Revision of the statutes

    2. Finance Team
      1. Finance Report 2019/2020
      2. Money transfer, etc.
    3. Infrastructure Status
      1. Applicants: Welcome meetings
    4. AGM Sat 2020-11-07-20:00 UTC
      1. Request for team reports (Secretary)

      2. Annual report (President)
      3. Membership fees (Tresorier)
      4. Motion "Proposal to the AGM, subject to acceptance of the current revision of the CCA, to accept the present revision of the statutes.
    5. Policy Group Information: There was a short discussion about adjustments in view of the move to Europe. First vote passed (revision of RDL and PP xxxx). Second vote running (Reision of CCA). Please participate in the Policy Group mailing list. (Etienne)

    6. Software Team
      1. Bug 1482: (Limit validity period of new HTTPS certificates to one year)

      2. PHP (Brian)

      3. Keygen (Ted)

    7. Critical Team (decision)
      1. Status of applications for Critical/Infrastructure team (Frederic/Dirk/Candidate)
  3. Question Time

    Questions from Community Members can be added until beginning of Committee Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here

    1. "Question One." added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by your Question and add your name

      • ..
    2. Closing
      1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting: 29.10. or 5.11. 2020 (only if before the AGM)


Logfile from meeting 2020-10-01


Minutes were written in parallel to the meeting, with tasks listed in action items and actions of this document.


By alphabetical order.

Members of the Committee being present:

* Brian McCullough

* Etienne Ruedin

* Frédéric Dumas

* Frédéric Grither

Members of the Committee being absent or silent:

* Christophe Meesters

* Peter Nunn (apologised)

* Sascha Ternes

Members of the CAcert community and other guests, having been active during the meeting:

* Dirk Astrath

Committee meeting - 2020-10-15

The president opens the meeting at 20: UTC

1. Next committee meeting will be held on Thursday, 15th of October 2020

1. Save the date: Sat 2020-11-07-20:00 UTC for the next AGM.

The Chair closed the meeting at : UTC.


* m20200830.2: Motion to accept Minutes of the meeting of the 13th of August, 2020







prepare Agenda and Minutes for the next meeting