Information for new board members

Committee Meeting 2019-07-04 (2019-07-05 in Australia)

The meeting will take place at 20:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

Feel free to add a business item within the acceptance period of 48 hours or your question to the board below. Non-committee Members: Committee may choose to convert any business proposed as a question in the questions section.


  1. Minutes author prepares the minutes from the last meeting

  2. Minutes author prepares the actions from meeting and actions overview. All action owners to update.

  3. Minutes author puts motion m2018MMDD.1 to accept the minutes from the last meeting.


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Who is making minutes?
    3. Is there a timelimit? Who is time keeper?
    4. Accept the minutes from the last meeting

    5. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private or cacert-board maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

      1. There is a mail from critical team on the board public list.
      2. Are there important tasks to discuss today?
    6. Chair points actions from last meeting to the meeting, and asks for discussion.

    Election pledge: The outgoing committee has initiated various measures to get the finances under control. In addition, it intends to bring CAcert to Europe in 2019 (preparations are underway to do it with no need to change policies). This means that there will be an SGM in the first half of 2019 anyway. Then it could be decided: - relocate and continue - or wind up. By then it should have become apparent whether we have got the finances under control. For possibilities, see:

    Secretary's pledge: "(if) each board member is willing to do about 10% more during this transition period (he has) time to prepare statutes (for Switzerland) and (prepare the) SGM."

    Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting latest!

  2. Business
    1. Association
      1. -
    2. Community
      1. Wiki notifications (ongoing, waiting for answer from wiki admin)
      2. Information about volunteers and funds (waiting for ruling)
    3. Future
      1. Grants: open and new inquiries (BDMC)
        1. Linux Australia (BDMC)
        2. Newsletter to Swiss Community (started, Etienne)
        3. School project (Etienne)
        4. open and new inquiries we have now for month 46 ideas. Each of us has to take one per month to apply, as having the ideas only in the wiki will never bring some funds. (updates from Brian, Frédéric, Frédéric, Etienne, Peter, Peter, Ross)

      2. Formal documented plan for our future (needed by both CAcert and people giving us money) (Brian, Peter M)

      3. Board 2019/20
        1. resignations
        2. candidates
      4. Personnel/volunteers
        1. SGM/AGM 2019
        2. critical team (main topic)

        3. overview ABC (who has, who should have, how many available)
    4. Finances
      1. Westpac (Peter M, Dirk; update)
      2. Membership fees 2018 (and before) (Frédéric G, update)
      3. The board decides to pay the invoice 2018-2 of €1,324.09 for hosting period June 2018 to November 2018
      4. The board decides to pay the invoice 2019-1 of €1,349.27 for hosting period November 2018 to May 2019
    5. Software
      1. Bug 1305: New root (update) (update by Ted)

      2. Root Certificate Class 3 (end of life) (update by Brian)

      3. Bug 1260 (and sub bugs 144x): PHP/Software (update Brian, GuKK, Peter M)

      4. other (new/pressing/...)
    6. Dummy project (update by Alex, FD)

    7. Business added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Business One" by Title of Business and add your Name

      • Additional Inputs Comment: Replace "Additional Inputs"by Description of Business, Description of Reason-Why/Purpose, Additional Comments, Additional Documents, Additional Links, if useful for other Committee Members to prepare for Committee Meeting.

    8. et cetera

    Questions from Community Members can be added until beginning of Committee Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here

  3. Question Time
    1. Question One added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by Your Question and add your Name

      • et cetera
  4. Closing
    1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting (Wed/Thu 20 GMT = 21 FR/CH = 15 NY = Thu/Fri 07 AEST)
    2. Agree on dates for the next meeting
      • 25 July 2019
      • 15 Aug 2019
    3. Chair closes the Committee Meeting

Possible dates for meetings:


Logfile from meeting 2019-07-04


Minutes will be written once the meeting is finished, with tasks listed in action items and Actions of this document.

Present: Brian, Etienne, Frédéric D, Frédéric G, Peter M

Apologies: Ross, Peter N


Guests: alex, decay, dops, egal, enyc, nb, nemunaire, SkarmoutsosV, Skeeper, Ted, ~GuKKDevel_log, @ChanServ, ynazarov, zerkalo

At 22:02:44, the president opens the meeting. As for technical reasons the minutes are not shown in the wiki, they have to be aproved on July, 25th.

Wiki notifications is an ongoing task done by Dirk and Etienne.

The 360K-Mail is waiting for an arbitrator. (after the meeting, the case manager tought, that there is no ruling needed, but at the same time an arbitrator steped in.)

The secretary started with a manually newsletter to the Swiss Community. Furthermore he prepares the OrgA/School Project to push it during/after summer holiday (July/August).

Getting funds should be a main topic for each for us for more than a year. Frédéric D is very active in this point to find funds for CAcert.

The president had a couple of conversations with He will do some research on their web site and see if there are any indications that they might be open. Cisco, too. "At the moment, we don't seem to have a target, we will ask anybody for money."

Alex (PR) thanks Frédéric D for providing with CAcert for Dummies. It is a lot of work. Alex and Frédéric D will talk about it soon. There will be a progress report at the End of July. Etienne has contact for PoD publishing and ISBN, Peter M can look at the English version. The booklet FD made is made of slides, in order to keep the amount of text at a minimum. Quicker to browse and easier to translate. Alex's text was much more, but graphical aspect is important to quick browse. lets see how i can shrink it. Or divide in a short overview followed by a second page with deeper information.

Next Board (after the AGM in november), we have two resignations (Peter M, Frédéric G). So we need two new people. Brian wants to try to find someone who was interested in the past. In general, the secrtary proposes: Maybe it would be good if we could find an accountant or something like that. Who wouldn't have to attend the meetings, but would take care of the finances for a few years. (The participants remembers a board member that wants to help, but cannot attend meetings in the early Australian morning.) The treasurer points out, that the problem was the lack of continuity. It took time to find back all tools and late paperworks, now, it is more clear for the follower and he will give him a well founded introduction.

2.4.1. AGM 2019 is on the way (no news today) 2.4.2. Critical team is urgent, but it depends on 2.4.3 (and I did it not, shame on me). On the ohther hand side, last meeting we forgot the second part to get in touch with Arb (who) for new ABC in short time if we find someone (and finding someone). The president had a good talk with an Arbitrator recently, and tried to bring him up-to-date on the situation. The profile for critical team is

Treasurer's report:

When leaving this meeting, we will remaining with 800€ in our account. This is for about 3-4 months. Plus some annual fees for 2019...

It is moved and accepted to pay the invoice 2018-2 of €1,324.09 for hosting period June 2018 to November 2018 with the funds from the pay pal account.

Following Ted, there are no progress in software development.

August 10/11: cacert will be present at FrOSCon fair between Köln and Bonn. Voluntary booth staff still searched for.

Frédéric D prefers to have our meetings by Linphone, it would make our talks more fluid and the meeting more comfortable for all those wearing glasses. Some other participants attend the meeting while her partner are sleeping, from on the way or with a machine with no audio/video. Furthermore, with IRC, we have a log file. In small groups, voice is good, but if there are more than 3 participants, it becomes difficult and asks a lot of dicipline.

Networking at CAcert is terribly difficult. I know nearly nobody except you, guys. And many times, I know you only through your nick, not even being sure about your genuine name. Networking ? Difficult. In theory there are XING and LinkedIn groups, but LinkedIn groups are rather... difficult to use. XING works better here but is not so known worldwide, maybe still Germany + a little bit of Europe...

The president closes the meeting at 22:37 UTC.


We aggreed last meeting on 2019-07-25-20:00 UTC for the next meeting.

Chair closed the meeting at 22:37 UTC








prepare Agenda and Minutes for the next meeting