Software: Webdb Documentation (Project WIP)


Source Code

  1. Tarball thru CAcert main website: About - Sourcecode

  2. git repository: Systems - GIT Repository / Development Workflow

  3. Orphan files in repository


  1. How To Install Source

  2. Systems description install instructions

  3. Post-installation tasks
    1. load Location Database
    2. Add new Root and Subroots
    3. Add root and subroots descriptions into table Root_Certs


  1. Database structure defined

  2. Location Database

Groups of Users

  1. new members
  2. members
  3. fully assured members
  4. prospective assurers
  5. assurers
  6. experienced assurers
  7. organisation admins (assurers within organisations)
  8. organisation assurers
  9. support engineers

Main Functions

User account functions

  1. create account
  2. account verification
  3. setting up user account
    1. notifications
    2. list me
    3. set location
    4. lost password questions
    5. define language
    6. secondary language settings
  4. modify account
  5. delete account
  6. email dispute
  7. domain dispute
  8. create email
  9. create client cert
  10. create domain
  11. create server cert
  12. create gpg/pgp key
  13. enable special flags
    1. codesigning
    2. assurer flag
    3. admin flag
    4. ttpadmin
    5. orgadmin
    6. board
    7. tverify
    8. locadmin
    9. adadmin
      • adadmin = 0 => (default) no ADS request or confirm function is allowed to the user, view ADS is enabled to all users

      • adadmin = 1 => customer is enabled to request ADs

      • adadmin = 2 => Treasurer or other CAcert people (Board? Support-Engineers?) can check outstanding ADS requests and can confirm the request, so ADS are placed onto the main website under the right bar menu

  14. other special flags
    1. locked
    2. assurer_blocked
    3. otppin
    4. uniqueID
    5. orphash

Assurer functions

  1. CATS
  2. Is Assurer flag
  3. List of CATS passed
  4. Assure someone
  5. Revoke Assurance

Support Engineer functions

  1. search user
  2. search domain

Organisation Assurer functions

Organisation Admin functions

Location (database) Admin functions

TTP admin functions

Board flag functions

Tverify flag functions (depricated)

AD admin functions


The system structure is splitted to the Webdb (web application and database) and the Signer (CA)

  1. Webdb
    1. Entry point
      1. index.php
      2. account.php
      3. wot.php
  2. Signer
    • The signer communication is splitted to and
    • 2 scripts that communicates thru a serial line connection between the physical machine Webdb and Signer

    • is running on the Webdb side (the client)

    • is running on the Signer side (the server)

Database Access

External Access



  1. Add new Root, Subroots

  2. Database Upgrades


Software/Webdb (last edited 2011-11-23 12:08:17 by UlrichSchroeter)