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Help and Howtos on Cryptography Hardware


OpenSC is an abstract layer that programs can utilise to access a vast multitude of Cryptographic Hardware devices.

We have a requirement list for SmartCards that should be handed out to all Smartcard vendors.

Under Windows !

We need more specific windows based stuff. having debian/ubuntu is nice, and im glad we do, but that doesnt help the majority of us using windows :)

Find some hints using German Privacy Foundation's CryptoStick with different applications.

Well, ID Ally under Windows (2K/XP Pro) is nice with Firefox and Thunderbird with the Axalto Cyberflex 32K and 64K through PKCS11 support.

A very pleasant way to log in CAcert web site

Works fine with CAcert (also Thawte)... Take care... once generated on the token you cannot retrieve the private keys !


http://www.cyberflex.com/Products/cards_egate.html http://www.reflexreaders.com/Products/reflex_egate.html

http://www.reflexreaders.com/Support/software.html (drivers)

http://www.market.axalto.com/ (for shopping)

Work also with a muscle applet loaded first without ID_Ally.

Also ID Ally connect to an internet server when loading/reinstalling a smartcard !

ID Ally pict

Firefox pict

contact homer dot simpson at grhq dot net for any question

http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Smart-Card-HOWTO/index.html (general information)

http://lair.fifthhorseman.net/~dkg/egate/index.html (etoken on Debian)