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One easy (but challengeble) assumption for the Escrow and Recovery subproject is that the root will be stored on hardware that is secure in some sense.
Some ideas for hardware
UTP Xport is a tiny computer with a serial and a UTP (ethernet) hosting a Linux.
crypto-stick.org is an open source / open team approach to building a secure USB stick.
- open means audit is simplified.
- Probably cheap.
It is based on a high-sec CC platform, so we can argue that's as good as FIPS.
It is related to the OpenPGP Card Project from FSFE? Or here...
CryptoHardware has some How Tos with common platforms.
Spyrus Lynks apparently only a couple a hundred bucks?
State considered harmful - A proposal for a stateless laptop Joanna Rutkowska December 2015
Project Costings
several-to-6 MM (man-months or full-time-employee-months) is suggested by Von Welch. I guess we need a project costing for a volunteer-month.