Committee Meeting 2013-09-15

The meeting will take place at 21:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

Committee Members: feel free to add a business within the acceptance period or your question to the board below. Others: add a question to the questions section.


  1. Minutes author prepares the minutes from the last meeting

  2. Minutes author prepares the action items. All action owners to update.

  3. Minutes author puts motion m201308xx.x to accept the minutes


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Accept the minutes from the last meeting.

    3. Who is making minutes?
    4. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

    5. Chair asks whether cacert-board maillist includes any business items that aren't on the agenda yet.

    6. Chair introduces the URL of action items to the meeting, and asks for discussion.

  2. Businesses

    Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting latest!

    1. Oophaga closing down (ongoing)

    2. New Roots & Escrow project (recurring agenda topic until decision reached)

    3. AGM preparation - Scheduling (recurring agenda topic until AGM scheduled)

    4. Remove all location database admins

      • Support Engineers should be the only ones left with the location database admin flag.
    5. Extend TTP to the US Virgin Islands

      • These Islands are US territory and have US rules.
    6. Create a CAcert bank account in Germany

    7. Business added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Business One" by Title of Business and add your Name

      • Additional Inputs Comment: Replace "Additional Inputs"by Description of Business, Description of Reason-Why/Purpose, Additional Comments, Additional Documents, Additional Links, if useful for other Committee Members to prepare for Committee Meeting.

    8. et cetera
  3. Question Time

    Questions from Community Members can be added until beginning of Committee Meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added Question here

    1. Question One added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by Your Question and add your Name

      • et cetera
  4. Closing
    1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting
    2. Chair closes the Committee Meeting


1 Preliminaries

1.1 Opening

Present: Dirk, Michael, Tomáš, Werner

Meeting chaired by Werner.

1.2 Minutes from last meeting

Minutes accepted by motion m20130929.1.

1.3 Minutes taker

Minutes will be taken by Werner.

1.4 Disclosure of private communication

Nothing to disclose

1.5 Potential business items on cacert-board

No new business identified.

1.6 Action items

No discussion.

2 Business

2.1 Oophaga closing down

The secure-u/CAcert-memorandum is now in the SVN. A teamleader for the access engineers shall be nominated. Wytze updated the security manuals and lists the access engineers now as "secure-u" instead of "oophaga". The official date of change is the date BIT changed the contract from oophaga to secure-u.

2.2 New Roots & Escrow project

No news from the NRE team.

2.3 AGM preparation - Scheduling

Financial report is almost ready. The team leaders shall be called to prepare their reports too.

The date of the next AGM was fixed to 2013-11-17 21:00 UTC m20130929.2.

2.4 Remove all location database admins

The location database within our application is not allowed any more by an arbitration case. Therefore we have to remove it. It was carried by m20130929.3. Tomáš will send out a notification.

2.5 Extend TTP to the US Virgin Islands

It was carried by m20130929.4.

2.6 Create a CAcert bank account in Germany

The reason is to save money transfer costs and exchange cost. Most members are in DE and EU (Euro area). Michael asked GLS Gemeinschaftsbank which is a bank for sustainable projects. An account on GLS would cost us 5 Euro each month, if we become non-commercial / charitable it will be free. Other institutions charge more. The bank would need to verify the identity of all board members, at least the member with access to the account.

GLS has not yet experience with foreign people, so they don't know how to exactly verify Australian people. As last resort they said there would be a document issued by the embassy or something. Maybe we can create a bank access team which is formally independent from the board. Michael suggest to go for the GLS because they share some mindset with us. Only drawback is that they have no vaults to rent

3 Questions


4 Closing

Next meeting will be 2013-09-29 08:00 UTC.
