Committee Meeting 2012-08-05

The meeting will take place at 12:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.


  1. Minutes author prepares the minutes from the last meeting

  2. Minutes author prepares the action items. All action owners to update.

  3. Minutes author puts motion m2010xxxx.y to accept the minutes


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Accept the minutes from the last meeting.

    3. Who is making minutes?
    4. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

    5. Chair introduces the URL of action items to the meeting, and asks for discussion.

  2. Businesses

    Acceptance of Businesses 48 Hours before beginning of Committee Meeting latest!

    1. Members for Membership added by Iang

      1. Ben D proposed. b. Sven A

    2. BarcampMelbourne added by Iang

      1. report.

  3. Question Time
  4. Closing
    1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting
    2. Chair closes the Committee Meeting


Present: Piers, Jeffery, Iang, Michael.

1 Preliminaries

Chair called the meeting to order 11:15UTC.

Minutes. The previous meeting |20120717]] was aborted, and minutes for the earlier meeting are already approved. Iang volunteered to write these minutes.

Private board list - nothing to declare, although discussion on BarCampMelbourne was noted.

Action items. Jeffery stated that the financial report is started. He has all transactions and the prior report. Some discussion on what the deadlines was: Iang said it needs to be a month before the AGM, which needs to be before the end of the year, so the report can be approved and filed. Kevin would know more, but in general, October. Jeffery said he'd shoot for end of August.

Other items related are the Team reports and the Board's report. These should be added to action list....

2.1 Members of the Association

Ben Dechrai and Sven Andriske have both applied for membership, and been duly proposed and seconded by David McIlwraith and Iang. Both members were motioned and duly approved m20120805.2, m20120805.1.

2.2 BarCampMelbourne

Iang reported that BarCampMelbourne was quite successful - a few co-audits, new assurers, and 2 new members (as above). ATE was delivered. BirdShack project gave talk based on their paper (currently under embargo). All as per report on board list.

Michael questioned on progress with the ABC that had been requested. Iang reported that the ABC has not been picked up by the Arbitrator, and therefore no ABC can be initiated. Instead, and informal and casual talk was conducted, and notes taken for any future ABC.

Iang requested expenses of $227.70. Proposed by Jeffery, seconded by Michael, and duly approved m20120805.3. Kevin to initiate the payment.

Iang noted that there is the Linux conference in Canberra coming up 2013 Jan/Feb which is the big event for Australia.


Next meeting was agreed for 20120819 at 12:00UTC.

Questions. Michael brought up the general issue of Arbitration being short of people. Ulrich is busy at the moment. Issues discussed include new Arbitrators, training, the team leader, team processes and whether the board should bring in the team to discuss it. General sense of bringing it up next board meeting.

Chair adjourned the meeting 13:10 UTC.
