Is there an order to translate?

No, of course not. You are a volunteer in the CAcert community. You can translate what you want in any order. But… please, read the following nevertheless. At the bottom of the page, you will understand why.

This rule however is primordial: Quality is important. Always try your best.

Other translation pages

Proposed order

There is no proposed order, but five files:

Starting by the Root Certificates Installer seems to be the fast way: only 75 words to translate to finish the first file.

However, it is suggested to start with the Terminology. Have a look to existing translations: CAcert glossary, IT dictionaries or other IT dictionaries on your book shelf… Once, Terminology translated, while translating the other .po files, Terminology helps you a lot: most key words are already here. There is no more need to think, if assurer in your language is Prüfer, Überprüfer, Notar, Akkreditierer, or Wasweißich, because you made this translation before and even other people giving you a hand translate the same way as you. This is important: use always the same wording. Terminology helps you to do this. This is, why it is proposed to start with Terminology.

The Root Certificates Installer is not available in all languages, only for about 22. This is for technical reasons. Also, an installer is only needed at the end and if there is no installer available, people can install certificates on their own. So, Root Certificates Installer is probably not your second priority.

The Tutorial tells how to use Pootle to translate. It is the help for translators. There are more important sentences to translate – only if you are the only one from a group who knows to handle Pootle; so you have to translate the Tutorial quick, that your colleagues can also start to translate.

In the file PDF Form Generator are the sentence that are printed on the CAP form and other PDF forms. So, this is quiet important that people can use the form when they go to a face to face meeting and that they understand what they sign. If you are the only translator in your language and you are afraid from the about 2222 words to translate, you start in the .po file PDF Form Generator with the first 26 sentences only. This are the sentences for the CAP form.

Then, you move to the CAcert file with the menu strings from the home page. That is also important. Here people can subscribe and have to write sensitive data in the right fields. So it is a good decision to translate here as soon as you are ready (and the Terminology as well).
Do not be afraid from more than 1000 sentence with about 12000 words. Translate first the titles and the one line text only. This is important for users: name of fields, menus, navigation. In a first time, you may just skip the long text blocks. As this texts gives explanations, there are important to, but only on a third level. So do first the short sentences and come back later for the rest.

This way your translations are helpful to others from the first time on, even a lot is not translated yet in your language. As soon as you have translated 10%, you can ask that your language is displayed at (use «Please add new language» as summary).


Just as a suggestion: Following this order may be helpful for users until translations are finished:

  1. Terminology for translators

  2. first part of PDF Form Generator and CAcert access to CAcert for non english speaker

  3. all the rest

If you follow this order or your own, in any case: thank you very match that you are an active member of the CAcert community and spend your time to translate into your own language.

Inputs & Thoughts
