Software Current Tests - Bug 942 (CATS preparations)

Background Informations, Instructions

Testserver 1:

Instructions and Sample Test Matrix for Software Testers

Needs complete re-testing!!!


CATS transfer routine has been updated. The disable/enable to be an Assurer flag function needs tested. eg. if an Assurer gets points removed and falls below 100 pts limit, is the Assurer flag blocked?

CAcert's points system for Assuree's and Assurers is as follows:


For this test you'll need:

Test Matrix for Testers


Report the results under:

of each step you walk thru

with complete details:

  1. assurer state and points level before test starts
  2. action doing doing assurance (from 2nd account over testaccount)
  3. assurer state and points level after test

Additional Tests

find yourself addtl. test variations ...

eg. have a user with 102 points (exactly 100 assurance points, 2 experience points) and revoke an assurance with 10-35 pts

Happy testing