Software Current Tests - Bug 827 (Thawte Patch)

Background Informations, Instructions, Testmatrix

Testserver 1:

Instructions and Sample Test Matrix for Software Testers


In the old CAcert days, the "Tverify" program was active, to automaticly transfer Assurance points from the Online Server THAWTE to CAcert. Tverify verfied an user account against the runnning THAWTE server. This program has been deprecated, 'cause the THAWTE server is no longer online, and the existance of users can no longer be verified.

The "points removal" process doesn't physicaly remove the points from user accounts, it only doesn't count the THAWTE points anymore. The menue option you'll find the list of assurances received and assurances given is:

Page 1 (10.php) is the current active list how points are counted (identical to the production system under, except the addtl. notification line, see below)

On the testserver: Ex-Thawte users and potential Tverify program users gets a notification on this page:

Under "here" you'll find the link to the 2nd new script, "The Patch" (15.php) This script reads the database like 10.php does. But displays the Assurance points, the Experience points and other points in a different way.

CAcert's points system for Assuree's and Assurers is as follows:

Different Point methods / Types

Testers task is to test and verify points and methods variations that can potentialy become a problem.


For this test I'll propose you create several test accounts with different points settings and assurance method settings. To apply these different settings onto a testuser account, you need

  1. an Admin user
    • eg to apply the Assurance method
    • "Thawte points"
    • to add several flags onto
    • testuser accounts
  2. the Testserver-Mgmt-System
    • to add standard assurance points configurations
    • onto user accounts, to set standard flags
    • onto user accounts

User          Purpose
------------- ----------------------------------

Admin Account

Admin-user    To apply points, flags, special
              assurance methods onto other
              testuser accounts
              requirement: 200 pts
                           Board-Flag       set
                           TTP-admin flag   set
                           Admin flag       set
                         other flags set

user 1        standard user, 0 Assurance points
              increase assurance points level
              in steps
              eg 0, 49, 50, 51, 90, 99, 100

user 2        standard "Thawte user 50" x1)
              with "50" from Thawte points transfer
user 3        standard "Thawte user 90" x1)
              with "90" from Thawte points transfer

user 4        standard "Thawte user 150" x1)
              with "150" from Thawte points transfer
user 5        standard "C't magazine user 150" x1)
              with "150" from C't magazine points transfer

x1) initial add "Thawte points" and "C't magazine"
    points onto the account with the Admin user

    addtl. variations with more added users:
      add regular points onto an account and add
      the Special Assurance points later
      eg  first apply 35 Assurance points onto user 6
          then add the "50 pts Thawte Transfer"


Instructions to add the users

Test Matrix for Testers

Tests with Testuser 1 (Regular 0-150)

Round 1.1

Round 1.2

Round 1.3

Round 1.4

Round 1.5

Round 1.6

Round 1.7

Round 1.8

Round 1.9

Round 1.10

Round 1.11

Round 1.12

Round 1.13

Round 1.14

Round 1.15

Tests with Testuser 2 (Thawte 50)

Round 2.1

Round 2.2

continue with adding assurance points in several steps and check the result on page 2 of the My Points

continue with user 3 (3.1)

Round 3.1

Round 3.2

continue with user 4 (4.1)

Round 4.1

Round 4.2

continue with user 5, 6, 7 and so on ...

On each step go onto My Details - My Points, check for existance of the Notification line.
If this line and the link doesn't exist enter:

into your browser line


Report the results under:

of each step you walk thru

Additional Tests

On addtl. users start vary entering Assurance points onto the account by mixing order when you applying the "special points" (Thawte/C't Magazine)

Happy testing