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für mein Betriebssystem
nach Themen
Zertifikate erstellen, installieren, löschen
Apple, iOS, MacOS
Stammzertifikat in openSuSE (und altem ArchLinux) installieren
SSL-Zertifikat und -Schlüssel erstellen mit Ubuntu oder Apache
Microsoft, Windows
Hilfe bekommen
GettingSupport - Mailing lists, IRC, email, etc.
TutorialsHowto - Tutorials and HowTOs
User Accounts and Assurance Program
HowTO ChangeYourName - Change the User name in account.
HowTO ChangeDOB - Change your date of birth.
TrustedThirdParty - An information page for TTPs who are asked to do a verification
Client Certificates
ClientCerts - All about your CAcert client certs.
BrowserClients - Getting the CAcert Root Cert into your browser
Server Certificates
ServerCerts - For securing Websites, VPNs, etc.
Code Signing
CodesigningCert - This document covers CAcert code signing certificates. You can use CAcert code signing certificates to sign code and data using multiple technologies, including Sun Java code signing, Microsoft Authenticode (ActiveX controls, executables, DLL files), and Netscape Object Signing (Mozilla XPI packages for Firefox and Thunderbird).
Developer Area
DeveloperNotes - Programming stuff for developers.
CustomBuilds - Custom building applications to include our root certificate
Software Tools (Third Party)
Mozilla Firefox (c) AddOn Cert Viewer Plus - Adds two options to the certificate viewer in Firefox or Thunderbird: an X.509 certificate can either be displayed in PEM format (Base64/RFC 1421, opens in a new window) or saved to a file (in PEM or DER format - and PKCS#7 provided that the respective patch has been applied - cf.