Committee Meeting 2021-04-08 (2021-04-09 in Australia)

The meeting will take place at 20:00 UTC in the IRC channel #board-meeting on the CAcert IRC network.

Northern Winter: 08:00 PM GMT = 21:00 CET = 15:00 New York EST = 07:00 Australia AEDT
Northern Summer: 08:00 PM GMT = 22:00 CEST = 16:00 New York EDT = 06:00 Australia AEST

Feel free to add a business item within the acceptance period of 48 hours or your question to the board below. Non-committee members: the committee may choose to convert any business proposed as a question in the questions section.

This will be a short meeting. You may miss some of your favourite topics that takes a lot of time. You may vote about minutes, agendas, etc. later. The goal of this meeting is to make at least two decisions so that the teams can continue to work as hard as they did in the past weeks. If there is remaining time, we may share some information.

During the meeting, the following two additional channels are open to all members: (LINK WILL BE ADJUSTED BEFORE THE MEETING AND THI LINE REMOVED)


  1. Preliminaries
    1. Chair opens the Committee Meeting
    2. Who is making minutes? (not the secretary this month - Writing minutes in real time)

    3. Is there a time limit? Who is time keeper?
    4. Chair asks whether cacert-board-private or cacert-board maillist includes any items that need to be disclosed to Members.

    5. Accept minutes from 04.03.2021

  2. Business

    Acceptance of new business items no later than 48 hours before the start of the committee meeting!

    1. Most pressing subjects
      1. CCA change. -- Draft sent to board on 27-02-2021; details with OFT OK, form prepared.

      2. This is ongoing: Bug 1499 Re-Sign-Signer-Class-3-Certificate-processus: short information / interim status (Dirk A)

      3. ABC: Present state of Bernhard's work: short information / interim status (Ted)

        1. Jan D (background check report available)
        2. Aleš K (background check report expected)
        3. Michaela S (background check report available)
      4. Nominate Access Admin (report and further information from Crit Admin are under the way -- this note will be removed as soon as the informations are published/arrived)
        1. Michaela S
    2. Staffing the teams
      1. Applicants to the Support team: short information / interim status of OTRS access (Dirk A)
      2. Applicants to the Infrastructure team
      3. Applicants to the Development team
      4. Applicant to the Critical team
      5. Applicants to the Financial team (details here -- short information / interim status (Frédéric D)

    3. Software Team
      1. Issue 1502: Adapt the UI at to deal with the "keygen" feature having been removed in browsers

      2. Issue 1505: Aleš wrote a very well documented wiki page on the Single Sign-On option

      3. Issue 1482: Limit validity period of new HTTPS certificates to one year

      4. Issue 1444: PHP - Brian

      5. Issue 1417: Keygen - Bernhard

    4. Grant application
  3. Blockchain
    1. see here:

  4. Question Time

    Questions from community members can be added until beginning of committee meeting! As well questions can be asked at "Question Time", without added question here.

    1. "Question One." added by Your Name Comment: Replace "Question One" by your Question and add your name

      • ..
    2. Closing
      1. Agree on date of the next Committee Meeting: 6. May 2021
      2. Following meetings: 6. May, 3. June, 1. July, 5. August


Logfile from meeting 2021-03-04


The minutes from 04.03.2021 are accepted

CCA change. The form for deregistering at OFT is prepared; the secretary is now looking for a barrister as a signature from a barrister is needed to sign this form.

Bug 1499 Re-Sign-Signer-Class-3-Certificate-processus: planned for April 2021, if Michaela is accepted as Access Engeneer. (Dirk A)

The board is happy that after seven years backgroundchecks are again possible thanks to the great work of Ted and others. The first reports were received and so, the following nominations could be accepted:

A third backgroundcheck was made, but the reports were not sent to the board until the meeting. The committee is willing to support staffing the teams and others acceptances can be done with 'long motions' within a couple of days even between board meetings.

In the last weeks, some efforts were made the staff the finance team and find a treasurer. Three candidates joined some board members also for an informal virtual tea party, two of them were present as guests today. The board beleves, it is better to nominate first the treasurer and then together with the treasurer the finance team and not in the opposit order. Frédéric D will meet the potential finance team members within the next days that the group can organise itself.

Blockchain: Ian G made a proposition. More will follow.

Question Time - no questions

Next meeting - 6. May, 3. June, 1. July, 5. August








prepare Agenda and Minutes for the next meeting