Arbitration / Training

The Training Course for Case Managers and Arbitrators

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Lesson 4 - Creating a new Arbitration case

Pickup of Dispute filings from Ticketing System

Follow this link to a generic description of OTRS if you are new to the Ticketing System.

Selection of correct case number

The correct case number for a case follows the pattern aYYYYMMDD.#,

The arbitration case number is independent from the day and order they get attended by arbitration and from the support case number.

Note: the most important thing about the case number is that it is unique! There are some tools which expect the correct syntax aYYYYMMDD.#, and it helps to judge some things on first view, but there is no strict requirement that the date is exactly correct. BernhardFröhlich

Creating the case

To:      <claimants email>, <respondents email>,
Subject: New CAcert Arbitration case a20######.# - "short complaint text"   (as in Wiki overview)
Dear <claimant>, <respondent>,

a dispute filing has been received, the Arbitration case number is: a20######.#

You can find the current state of this arbitration case at:

The search for a Case Manager and Arbitrator is still open.

Given the current backlog of arbitration cases, this might take some time. If you consider your case as urgent please notify me so I can try to prioritize your case.

As the next step a Case Manager or Arbitrator will contact you with a initial mailing as soon they get appointed to this case.

Close Ticket in OTRS

Urgent and Special Cases

An old version of this lesson (with a more complex procedure) can be found here.




  1. Earlier we used OTRS to send the notification mail. But since OTRS always uses support AT cacert DOT org as sender address this is considered impractical. In addition there are issues with the currently used mailserver. (1)


EvaStöwe, MartinGummi: reviewed once by authors, left some changes (needs another review)

BernhardFröhlich: reviewed, minor clarifications and additions