How to add an account?

How to add a new bug report?

How to add a test report?

Change a bug reports state includes adding a comment, so changing to state "Solved?" requests from the Critical Admin to enter a description for the purpose of changing the state. Please continue reading How and who to change the state of a bug report?

How and who to change the state of a bug report?

Open the bug report in view mode. Select under "Change State" the new state and click "Change State". You will be redirected to a new page and prompted to enter a comment for changing the state, this will add a note to the bug at the same time as changing the state but you can also leave that text field empty, which only changes the state without adding a note


Possible workflow paths

Bug Life Cycle

This shows the life cycle of a bug once it's in the Software Assessment process:Life cycle of bugs
Picture 1

And that's how this process is mapped to the bug states: mapping process to bug states
Picture 2

Yep, looks pretty damn complicated but it looks worse than it is in practise. I promise ;)

Software/Assessment/Documentation/bugs (last edited 2011-08-03 00:12:32 by UlrichSchroeter)