This was a work-in-progress for the 2008 New Roots Task Force. It is left in place for reference & interest, but is not an active project.

Conditions to recover sealed envelopes with keys from escrow


CAcert Association

CAcert Inc. Association is an association incorporated under a slightly modified version of the model rules published by the NSW government under 1984 Associations Incorporations Act. The CAcert association By-Laws are registered with the Department of Fair Trading, NSW, Australia by Certificate of Incorporation as Association under the name CACERT INCORPORATED, incorporation number INC9880170 on 24 July 2003.

CAcert Inc. location details: CAcert Inc., P.O. Box 4107, Denistone East NSW 2112, Australia,, email: .

For more details see the CAcert wiki page.

CAcert Inc. representation

The CAcert Inc. Committee (Board) and Public Officer is appointed by CAcert (Annual or Special) General Meeting. Public Officer is formal contact with NSW trade office. The board members are not registrated via the CAcert Public Officer (Australian citizen and registered contact person with Department of Fair Trade) with the trade office registrar. A list of current Board Members is listed on the wiki Board list.

Board from November 2008 till AGM planned November 2009:

CAcert subjects for Escrow

The escrowed subjects are sealed envelopes with keys and passwords are referenced in this document as CAcert Sealed Envelopes (SE's).

The SE's consist of:

The SE envelopes may contain: USB memory sticks and labelled with key labels, and/or list of passwords.

Conditions for key recovery

The sealed envelopes (SE's) are allowed to be recovered from Escrow under the following conditions:

Escrow location

The SE's are lacated with a dutch Notary with an Act of Preservation (Acte van Bewaarstelling): Notary Office XYZ, Village, the Netherlands. The Escrow was done on date YYYY-MM-DD, by Board Member Teus Hagen, notice of delivery: ????

The escrow costs is carried by CAcert Inc.

Sealed Envelopes location history

Upto the date of escrow the SE's has been located at a private safe with Teus Hagen as decided on 28th of November 2008 on Root Key Creation on the same date: 28th of November 2008.