Problems and Questions about the CAcert Registration Process

What are Passphrase Points?

No, you don't get assurance points for your great passphrase ;).

The passphrase points just indicate how good your passphrase is. It's just a mathematical calculation and stupid counting of different character classes ... as the passphrase it's very important to secure you account, a passphrase with a low number of points isn't accepted.

As is highly security related it's most important that your passphrase is secure. Remember: Security is like a chain and if the weakest piece breaks everything is lost.

I created a new CAcert account but still can't login

Did you verify your email address?

Every email address that is added to the CAcert website (eg. to create your new account) has to be verified. You'll be sent an email probe (called a 'ping') to this address and you must click on a link from within this email that identifies the probe and tells the system that everything is ok.

Until you verify your email address you'll get the error message "Incorrect email address and/or Pass Phrase."

Did you verify your email address within 2 days?

All accounts that haven't been verified within 2 days get wiped out of the system. So if you created a CAcert account two days ago and didn't click on the verification link your account has been removed. But there is no reason not to sign up again ...

I did not receive this 'ping' email

Maybe your mail server is using antispam filters like greylisting?

Solution: Your greylisting software should have a whitelist somewhere and you should add an entry for * You should always use the DNS names but currently pings seem to be sent from ip address or Some greylisting systems will accept the 'ping' when it is tried again, but the whitelist is the most reliable solution.

You might have to wait for another two days as there might be a problem to register again, while one registration is pending. But after these two days an unverified account should be removed from the database and you can try again. Please don't ask support to remove your pending registration (so that you're able to register again at once). Just wait. :)

There might be more information about those problems on FAQ/NoDomainName.

I want to delete my account

It's not easy to leave CAcert (who would want that anyway ;), but it's possible.

If you never answered the ping email for your account it takes 48 hours until your account will be deleted automatically. Please be patient and don't ask support to delete anything earlier. If the email address you used to create this account is still blocked after 48 hours you might want to look at the following solutions or ask support.

If you have two accounts and want to delete one of them it's quite easy:

  1. log into the account to delete
  2. delete all email addresses linked to this account (you cannot delete the last one as this is your username)
  3. log into the account you want to keep
  4. File a 'Dispute' for the last email address left in the account you want to delete
  5. Once you accept this Dispute the email address will be removed from the database together with your account.

If you have one account and want to leave CAcert completely have a look at FAQ/AccountRemoval