This is wiki page is outdated and need to be updated. Please have a look at Audit/RA-Audit

Co-Auditor Training

Currently this is mainly a stub to list things to do and for collecting bits and pieces found on the way.

The Co-Auditor's Job

The Co-Auditors (contains the team list) help the Assurance Team to evaluate the (average) quality of CAcert's Assurances. Their reports should help to locate common problems during Assurances. Ideally this should lead to improvements in Assurer Training and Assurance Procedures and therefore an increased quality level of Assurances.

If you think that you'd like to do this job please apply with the AssuranceOfficer.


Cited from Brussels Mini-TOP. The only thing I could find, is this complete and current? AFAIK it conforms to current practices.



Co-auditor is

Nice to have:


End citation


The goals of Co-auditing include:

  1. To test the individual assurer,
  2. To collect data on the quality of all assurers,
  3. To provide the assurer with a boost-up in knowledge and understanding,
  4. To provide a test-mark for the individual assurer to become a senior assurer.


A co-audited Assurance is similar to an Educated Assurance, but has some additional documentation work afterwards. Also, a Co-Auditor must not assist the co-audited Assurer until the Assurer declares that the Assurance is finished.

Unless explicitly requested by the campaign keep your "mistakes" to a level which is not explicit cheating, but may happen when in a hurry, not paying attention or in unusual situations. The goal isn't to slip an outright fraud past a junior assurer, but instead to help us understand and improve our overall quality.

As a rule, there should be no negative consequences (beside more or less strict instructions) for "normal" errors. If there are grave mistakes, and the Assurer does not accept an instruction, you should consider to propose a re-training to the Assurance Officer, or file a corresponding dispute.

If an Assurer tells you that she made a mistake in earlier Assurances, you should propose her to file a dispute herself.

Hints and Tricks


Inputs & Thoughts