Log of Board-meeting 2018-06-21-20:00 UTC

Timestamp all UTC +02:00

21.06.2018 [21:58:31] <Etienne> Hello everybody
21.06.2018 [22:00:15] <AlainVaugham> Hello all
21.06.2018 [22:01:10] <nemunaire> hello!
21.06.2018 [22:01:45] <bdmc> Greetings, All.  Small network issue, but I am here, now.
21.06.2018 [22:02:11] <Etienne> Hello bdmc, we are just waiting for the 3rd man ;-)
21.06.2018 [22:02:21] <bdmc> Great old film.
21.06.2018 [22:02:31] <bdmc> And the music was good, too.
21.06.2018 [22:07:01] <Etienne> In 1999, the British Film Institute voted The Third Man the greatest British film of all time.
21.06.2018 [22:07:38] <bdmc> There were some great British films in that time.
21.06.2018 [22:08:15] <bdmc> Major Barbara, The Man In The White Suit, so many that I can not remember.
21.06.2018 [22:08:37] <bdmc> The Shape Of Things To Come
21.06.2018 [22:08:52] <Etienne> That was before I went to the cinema.
21.06.2018 [22:09:14] <Etienne> Hello frederic, bdmc, let's start.
21.06.2018 [22:09:29] <bdmc> Me too.  But I was a member of a Film Society that showed a lot of films like that.
21.06.2018 [22:09:30] <frederic> sorry being late
21.06.2018 [22:09:48] <bdmc> That is all right.  At the moment, we seem to be only three.
21.06.2018 [22:10:16] <bdmc> Etienne: should we expect others?
21.06.2018 [22:10:20] <frederic> enough to start some points
21.06.2018 [22:10:27] <Etienne> Some Australian may join us at 6:30 local time (in half an hour).
21.06.2018 [22:10:50] <bdmc> Good point.
21.06.2018 [22:11:03] <bdmc> frederic: should we expect any more of your group?
21.06.2018 [22:11:42] <frederic> no, because they are not in the comitee
21.06.2018 [22:12:00] <frederic> They may listen
21.06.2018 [22:12:08] <frederic> or see the logfile
21.06.2018 [22:12:15] <bdmc> We don't discriminate.  In fact, we welcome almost all.  Right Etienne?
21.06.2018 [22:12:27] <Etienne> Yes, we do.
21.06.2018 [22:12:58] <bdmc> In any case, as Etienne has said, we should get moving, so that we can end some time.
21.06.2018 [22:13:38] <bdmc> Shall we plan on 1.5 hours, or is the Agenda longer than that?
21.06.2018 [22:14:09] <Etienne> No, maybe even shorter.
21.06.2018 [22:14:45] <bdmc> So, let met call us to order at XX:15. ( 20 seconds or so from now )
21.06.2018 [22:14:53] <bdmc> ( met = me )
21.06.2018 [22:15:17] <bdmc> I recognize three Board ( Committee ) Members present.
21.06.2018 [22:15:41] <bdmc> Does someone want to volunteer for Minutes?
21.06.2018 [22:16:05] <Etienne> I will do it.
21.06.2018 [22:16:44] <bdmc> ( I am going back in my memory -- don't trust your memory -- and think that I had offered to help someone else with Minutes, last meeting. Am I correct? )
21.06.2018 [22:17:14] <bdmc> Thank you, Etienne.
21.06.2018 [22:17:16] <frederic> it was me
21.06.2018 [22:17:36] <bdmc> I think that all three of us can watch the clock.  Let's see where we are in 60 minutes.
21.06.2018 [22:17:51] <bdmc> frederic: I wasn't much help, was I?
21.06.2018 [22:18:36] <frederic> Yes, but I understood that and were waiting for your move.
21.06.2018 [22:19:15] <bdmc> OK, let us communicate this time, and I will definitely help you.  It is not difficult if I actually follow up with you.
21.06.2018 [22:19:16] <frederic> If you are overwhelmed, just tell me now and I will write last minutes by myself
21.06.2018 [22:19:29] <frederic> no worries
21.06.2018 [22:19:40] <bdmc> Not really.  I just need to "talk" to you.
21.06.2018 [22:19:51] <frederic> Fine
21.06.2018 [22:20:09] <frederic> Tell what is convenient for you
21.06.2018 [22:20:15] <bdmc> OK, so, if I remember correctly, Etienne, there were one or two older Minutes that needed to be dealt with.
21.06.2018 [22:21:00] <bdmc> frederic: I will send you a message immediately after our meeting.  You can see it in the morning, or later.
21.06.2018 [22:21:02] <frederic> The last one in my garden. And Pierre-Olivier provided me a irc software that records all texts
21.06.2018 [22:21:36] <bdmc> Yes, several of us log our meetings, and that is what we use for our Minutes.
21.06.2018 [22:21:38] <frederic> Yes, concerning the history of CAcert with a doodle?
21.06.2018 [22:21:53] <bdmc> ???
21.06.2018 [22:22:04] <bdmc> Don't understand.   History of CAcert?
21.06.2018 [22:22:12] <Etienne> @bdmc: The minutes from the GDPR meeting on 24 05 2018
21.06.2018 [22:22:23] <frederic> I didn't get i
21.06.2018 [22:22:25] <frederic> t
21.06.2018 [22:22:54] <frederic> Now I understand the situation. You waiting for me and I waited for your message
21.06.2018 [22:22:54] <Etienne> Doodle: I did a doole to find a date, but Lambert on vacation, so I will restart with frederic after Lambert is back.
21.06.2018 [22:23:20] <frederic> understood
21.06.2018 [22:23:40] <Etienne> https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-05-24#Minutes
21.06.2018 [22:23:49] <bdmc> True, but that wasn't History of CAcert, that was work on Arbitration.
21.06.2018 [22:24:09] <frederic> my misunderstanding
21.06.2018 [22:24:40] <Etienne> Don't worry about it.
21.06.2018 [22:24:43] <frederic> Some of us in France have good ranking and might join Arbitration
21.06.2018 [22:25:13] <bdmc> That would be good.  We will definitely welcome the help.
21.06.2018 [22:25:13] <frederic> I read in the email message the summary of one of them
21.06.2018 [22:25:47] <frederic> ok. I put it on my tasks
21.06.2018 [22:25:54] <bdmc> Etienne, since I was not at the meeting, I must abstain from those Minutes.
21.06.2018 [22:26:53] <Etienne> So, frederic can accept them with two abstentions ;-)
21.06.2018 [22:27:00] <bdmc> B-)
21.06.2018 [22:27:28] <Etienne> I move to accept the minutes from 24 05 2018
21.06.2018 [22:27:40] <bdmc> I found the Minutes interesting, but can't go farther.
21.06.2018 [22:27:59] <Etienne> (bdmc, you can second and frederic can aye)
21.06.2018 [22:28:29] <bdmc> If you wish.  OK, I second approval of the minutes of the special meeting of the 24th of May.
21.06.2018 [22:28:38] <frederic> aye
21.06.2018 [22:28:42] <Etienne> abstain
21.06.2018 [22:28:47] <bdmc> abstain
21.06.2018 [22:28:52] <bdmc> Moving on.
21.06.2018 [22:29:20] <bdmc> Etienne: That was the last outstanding one, except for the one that I forgot?
21.06.2018 [22:29:31] <Etienne> Yes
21.06.2018 [22:30:00] <bdmc> Does anybody know of anything in Board Private or Board that needs to be discussed, outside of the Agenda?
21.06.2018 [22:31:02] <bdmc> ( Board = Board Mailing List )
21.06.2018 [22:31:29] <frederic> Etienne: what about my 2 suggestions by private emails a few days ago?
21.06.2018 [22:33:05] <Etienne> Yes, you find it on the agenda at Community:France and at running_out_of_money:short_reports:general
21.06.2018 [22:34:00] <bdmc> OK.  The "action items" link is bad, so let us move on to item 2.1.1, Public Officer.
21.06.2018 [22:34:02] <frederic> understood. So anything to be discussed outside the Agenda from my side
21.06.2018 [22:34:43] <bdmc> ( anything = nothing ??? )
21.06.2018 [22:35:06] <frederic> sorry, you're right
21.06.2018 [22:35:29] <frederic> nothing
21.06.2018 [22:35:31] <bdmc> no problem.
21.06.2018 [22:35:42] <bdmc> Etienne: Anything on the Public Officer?
21.06.2018 [22:36:53] <Etienne> Yes, Peter Nunn had a phone call with him and helped him to fill in the form. Now, he add his address and had or will send it. I am waiting for the confirmation.
21.06.2018 [22:37:17] <bdmc> Great!  Finally, some response.
21.06.2018 [22:37:44] <bdmc> Moving on to Item 2.2.1, France.
21.06.2018 [22:38:04] <bdmc> frederic:  Are all of you in the Paris region, or throughout France?
21.06.2018 [22:38:17] <frederic> Paris
21.06.2018 [22:38:40] <AlainVaugham> 30km from Paris
21.06.2018 [22:38:47] <bdmc> Thank you to all of you for you willingness to help.
21.06.2018 [22:39:14] <bdmc> ( darn --  second you should be your )
21.06.2018 [22:39:26] <bdmc> ( make that third you )
21.06.2018 [22:40:04] <bdmc> I know that I asked some of you to work on the "CAcert For New Dummies" project.
21.06.2018 [22:40:36] <bdmc> I think that I received a message about helping out with software, am I correct?
21.06.2018 [22:40:49] <frederic> Pierre-Olivier ?
21.06.2018 [22:41:03] <bdmc> Frederic also mentioned Arbitration just now.
21.06.2018 [22:42:01] <nemunaire> yes, we have some questions about software development, as we are some to have those skills
21.06.2018 [22:42:40] <bdmc> Is Christophe available or can someone else talk about the "New CAcerters" or "CAcert For Dummies" project?
21.06.2018 [22:42:45] <Etienne> Yes, Pierre-Olivier asked for the wanted/hopped directions for futher/long term developments. I hope, @egal is with us, as he could give us some advice.
21.06.2018 [22:43:38] <frederic> CAcert for dummies is in our list, but low priority because we have to organize ourselves to take responsibilities such as treasurer and CAcert comitee and members usages
21.06.2018 [22:45:03] <frederic> We were asking contacts since years. Now we have and we have a lot to discover and to learn in a short time
21.06.2018 [22:45:06] <bdmc> How many people are available, and willing, to help?
21.06.2018 [22:45:22] <frederic> 5
21.06.2018 [22:45:38] <bdmc> frederic: I understand.  We seem to have had a communication problem, which we are finally getting past.
21.06.2018 [22:46:17] <frederic> right
21.06.2018 [22:46:43] <Etienne> (Oh, just for our guests: bdmc is the president, frederic the treasurer and I am the secretary.)
21.06.2018 [22:46:51] <bdmc> Nothing heard from Dirk or Karl-Heinz regarding software contributions.
21.06.2018 [22:47:12] <Etienne> Dirk/egal is the software team leader.
21.06.2018 [22:48:10] <bdmc> He reads the Board Private mailing list, I THINK, so he should see things that we post there. ( Or has he been removed, Etienne? )
21.06.2018 [22:49:14] <frederic> Does that mean we have to talk with him regarding all our technical questions and contributions?
21.06.2018 [22:50:15] <bdmc> I understand that the Paris group are more interested in Software Development because that is my background too, but I don't know how people can help there, yet.  Let me send Dirk a direct e-mail message, and we can discuss this "off line."
21.06.2018 [22:50:51] <frederic> understood
21.06.2018 [22:51:17] <Etienne> egal has to review contributions, as this described this way in our policies.
21.06.2018 [22:51:35] <bdmc> If we can increase the priority of CAcert For Dummies, please, that is something that might help us with "Public Relations" and, perhaps, bring people back to CAcert.
21.06.2018 [22:52:06] <frederic> understood. Done
21.06.2018 [22:52:20] <Etienne> For software: We have three short term points on our agend for some months.
21.06.2018 [22:52:44] <bdmc> We are losing membership and activity since people are having trouble with using our certificates and there are "perceived" competitors, like LetsEncrypt.
21.06.2018 [22:53:25] <frederic> I will ask for curriculum of Paris members and send to you privately. So, you will be able to have a view of competencies and wishes
21.06.2018 [22:53:27] <bdmc> True.  Unless there is anything more that we want to discuss here, we can move on, and see those items in a few minutes.
21.06.2018 [22:54:01] <Etienne> and following a decisionn from some browser companies, users cannot create anymore certificates with the browser (bug 1417). One idea was to create an add-on for the big browsers.
21.06.2018 [22:54:24] <GuKKDevel> why not to cacert-devel@lists.cacert.org, the list for developers?
21.06.2018 [22:54:31] <frederic> yes, we discuss also of LE in our last Tuesday Paris meeting
21.06.2018 [22:54:33] <bdmc> On the other hand, apparently Firefox does not have that problem.
21.06.2018 [22:55:27] <frederic> let's close 2.1 if no other questions
21.06.2018 [22:55:44] <frederic> 2.2.1 sorry
21.06.2018 [22:56:43] <bdmc> OK, any comments for 2.2.2?   In other words, is there any community activity outside of Paris?  Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, other countries outside of Europe?
21.06.2018 [22:56:45] <Etienne> Even if it does not appear in all browsers for all users at the moment: If Chrome doesn't work, we'll have a problem. Because of the diffusion of chrome. Or who buys a car that only drives on selected roads?
21.06.2018 [22:59:02] <Etienne> bdmc, let's continue with the bugs
21.06.2018 [22:59:06] <bdmc> Nothing heard.  Moving on to Item 2.3.1, Bug 1260.
21.06.2018 [22:59:27] <Etienne> Who is in charge?
21.06.2018 [23:00:17] <bdmc> ~GuKKDevel: I was trying to look at this, but the last that I remember, there was a problem with the Test Manager machine ( software ).  Am I remembering correctly?
21.06.2018 [23:01:39] <GuKKDevel> found out, that version of source code dont match, I am searching
21.06.2018 [23:02:14] <bdmc> That doesn't help, does it?   Git out of date?  Somebody has a "private" copy?
21.06.2018 [23:02:55] <GuKKDevel> we need the copy of the original system and of the test system private copies donT help
21.06.2018 [23:03:37] <GuKKDevel> since I found out aerly today, I have not reacted yet
21.06.2018 [23:04:43] <GuKKDevel> have to ask dirk and jan
21.06.2018 [23:04:51] <bdmc> No, all of the source should be synchronised with git, so we don't want private copies.
21.06.2018 [23:05:05] <bdmc> Thank you for the report, though.
21.06.2018 [23:05:22] <bdmc> Do you want to talk about the other two bugs, as well?
21.06.2018 [23:06:21] <GuKKDevel> 1417 certificates, wasn't there peter or pnun who were working on this?
21.06.2018 [23:06:54] <GuKKDevel> they thought about an addon for all browser to create
21.06.2018 [23:07:19] <Etienne> Furthermore, we could earn money with this addon: https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-03-01/ideas#A15_Licence_fees
21.06.2018 [23:07:44] <GuKKDevel> and 1432 is delaed as some coding for CRLs hade to be done
21.06.2018 [23:08:25] <GuKKDevel> delaed = delayed
21.06.2018 [23:08:26] <Etienne> To be honest: We have a lot of bugs that nobody cares about. Maybe someone could take a look with the eye of a professional there. Are there any that are essential?  Some are probably already obsolete.
21.06.2018 [23:08:26] <bdmc> Yes, I remember that, too.   Was it to be for "all" browsers ( well, maybe not all ) and all operating systems?   Can a browser plug-in work across operating systems?
21.06.2018 [23:09:03] <GuKKDevel> ye ne  sais pas
21.06.2018 [23:09:12] <GuKKDevel> I dont know
21.06.2018 [23:09:21] <Etienne> bdmc, if it is based only on browser resources, yes, it shuld work on all OS.
21.06.2018 [23:09:39] <bdmc> That helps with the development effort.
21.06.2018 [23:10:01] <bdmc> frederic: do any of your group have experience with browser plug-ins?
21.06.2018 [23:10:13] <nemunaire> no :(
21.06.2018 [23:10:23] <AlainVaugham> no
21.06.2018 [23:10:30] <bdmc> Oh, well.  It was worth an ask.   B-)
21.06.2018 [23:11:29] <bdmc> ~GuKKDevel: Are you able to answer, or is this strictly a Dirk question?  Would it help to have one or more of the Paris group do some triage on the Bug List?
21.06.2018 [23:11:34] <frederic> absolutely!
21.06.2018 [23:11:45] <Etienne> bdmc, just ask the other 349 995 community members. We will find.
21.06.2018 [23:12:08] <bdmc> Agreed.  We did try that, didn't we, with no response.
21.06.2018 [23:12:13] <GuKKDevel> not the bug list is the problem
21.06.2018 [23:12:39] <bdmc> OK.  Where is the problem, for you?
21.06.2018 [23:13:35] <GuKKDevel> at the moment to clear the asynchronoty of the gits
21.06.2018 [23:13:36] <bdmc> Critical Services or other ABC ( missing ) people?
21.06.2018 [23:13:51] <GuKKDevel> find testers
21.06.2018 [23:14:00] <GuKKDevel> find reviewers
21.06.2018 [23:14:20] <GuKKDevel> get information 
21.06.2018 [23:14:47] <bdmc> OK.  I am sure that one or two of the Paris group could help with that, as long as they didn't need to be "cleared" or approved formally.
21.06.2018 [23:15:23] <nemunaire> indeed :)
21.06.2018 [23:15:34] <bdmc> I know that in some departments we can not accept volunteers without going through a lot of paper work.
21.06.2018 [23:15:47] <GuKKDevel> just pick up a bug, and communicate it at cacert-devel@lists.cacert.org, the list for developers
21.06.2018 [23:16:10] <bdmc> Strictly these three, or anything that they see?
21.06.2018 [23:16:44] <GuKKDevel> anyone they can handle
21.06.2018 [23:16:52] <bdmc> Good.
21.06.2018 [23:17:17] <nemunaire> great, that answers one of our big question :)
21.06.2018 [23:17:23] <Etienne> When I understand well, the Paris group is interested in further/long term developments, but picking up one or two bugs is a good point to  start.
21.06.2018 [23:17:25] <bdmc> frederic: ( or anybody ) as long as CAcert For Dummies is proceeding, I agree with ~GuKKDevel.
21.06.2018 [23:17:26] <GuKKDevel> but I think it important to communicate on that named list
21.06.2018 [23:17:50] <bdmc> ( 60 minutes )
21.06.2018 [23:17:56] <nemunaire> noted, GuKKDevel 
21.06.2018 [23:18:26] <GuKKDevel> so some others could be inspired to also get active
21.06.2018 [23:18:39] <Etienne> And it is also important to know, that egal reads most e-mails, but does not answer allways :-( GuKKDevel is a good contact person, as he know a lot too.
21.06.2018 [23:18:51] <Etienne> most = not all
21.06.2018 [23:19:20] <bdmc> That is true.  He gets busy with his "real" job.
21.06.2018 [23:19:44] <GuKKDevel> and his work for secure-u
21.06.2018 [23:19:55] <Etienne> You may write him at GuKKDevel@ c.o.
21.06.2018 [23:20:28] <GuKKDevel> sorry I prefer at the time beeing Devel@GuKK-Onlinee.de
21.06.2018 [23:20:33] <bdmc> OK, I think that we have made some progress with this section.  On to the next.
21.06.2018 [23:20:42] <bdmc> Section 2.4  Money.
21.06.2018 [23:20:46] <GuKKDevel> sorry Devel@GuKK-Online.de
21.06.2018 [23:21:35] <frederic> 1,452 € in Paypal account I am now granted
21.06.2018 [23:22:06] <bdmc> Congratulations.  I just went through that for another organisation that I belong to.
21.06.2018 [23:22:19] <frederic> I got access a few days ago to our OpenERP accounting software
21.06.2018 [23:22:58] <frederic> I am discovering treasury tasks and tools
21.06.2018 [23:23:03] <bdmc> I have had no recent responses from my "working group" on the Australian Linux Organisation Grants, so I guess that I will have to proceed on my own.
21.06.2018 [23:23:29] <frederic> Don't expect from me to be efficient within September, I guess
21.06.2018 [23:23:44] <bdmc> Work or Vacation?
21.06.2018 [23:24:31] <Etienne> frederic, maybe you can check if everyone has paid for 2017? (Or did this GuKKDevel allready?)
21.06.2018 [23:25:23] <bdmc> frederic: back at the beginning of the meeting, you brought up an item that is part of this section of the meeting.
21.06.2018 [23:25:26] <frederic> The time I need to discover CAcert Australian regulations, banking accounts, accounting procedures, etc.
21.06.2018 [23:25:42] <GuKKDevel> no; I tried to send myself the bill, but I couldnt solve that problem. tat one of the reasons I resigned
21.06.2018 [23:25:57] <bdmc> frederic: understood.  It is a BIG task.
21.06.2018 [23:27:29] <frederic> bdmc: yes, to give you the money report. Someone asked to have a monthly report and I can provide it. So, did I
21.06.2018 [23:27:33] <bdmc> Etienne: could our previous treasurer help with the annual bills? ( ideas, procedures )
21.06.2018 [23:27:42] <Etienne> OK, so, there will be some money for 2017 after we ask for it. And when we do the AGM 2018 not only on December 31st we could expect the 2018 cotisation also in 2018.
21.06.2018 [23:28:00] <Etienne> ask dops, present on the flor.
21.06.2018 [23:28:16] <bdmc> Or is that just his machine?
21.06.2018 [23:28:41] <bdmc> We also need to start planning for the AGM, and not leave it for the last minute.
21.06.2018 [23:29:49] <frederic> Right. I have that in mind and I take advantage of being involved in May to do the job without the extra issue of annual report.
21.06.2018 [23:29:50] <dops> [previous treasurer] I can help with the bills, but didn't send out notifications. If Michael T. can be reached would be good that he shows us.
21.06.2018 [23:30:01] <bdmc> frederic: Thank you.  Yes, that is useful information.  Once you get more comfortable with the data, perhaps income and expenses for the past month.
21.06.2018 [23:30:22] <Etienne> AGM 2018: When we start in july, it could be in september or october. I have some experience for this.
21.06.2018 [23:31:32] <bdmc> dops: Thank you and good idea.  Do we have any way of contacting him.  Something that you or ( and ) frederic could do?
21.06.2018 [23:32:12] <Etienne> The contact details should be in the ERP. frederic, look for Michael Tänzer (or Taenzer).
21.06.2018 [23:32:14] <frederic> Etienne: isn't it in December ??
21.06.2018 [23:32:57] <dops> Yes, I have email addresses. Should be possible to get into contact.
21.06.2018 [23:34:14] <Etienne> Without looking in the statutes: It is after the financial year ended (on june 30th). And we ask for the annual fee usually after the AGM. It was in July, September, but do to troubles, in the last two years "in the last minutes" (or days).
21.06.2018 [23:35:17] <frederic> Ooops! I didn't have this schedule in mind. Thank you for that. I will reprocess my calendar
21.06.2018 [23:35:22] <dops> Note: Michael used to ask by start of annual year - fine, I was only missing the hint that it is due at mid of year.
21.06.2018 [23:36:26] <frederic> With the help of past treasurer GuCCdevel I am making acquaintance with past-past-treasurer Gero. It takes days to go back and forth by mail within our worktime.
21.06.2018 [23:37:11] <dops> Anoter note: Michael ist past-past-past-past treasurer ;-)
21.06.2018 [23:38:05] <frederic> Good to know. I progress. If someone could organize some 2 x 1 hour skype meeting with all relevant people and informations, it could speed my efficiency up
21.06.2018 [23:38:18] <Etienne> frederic, maybe you take some notes, while get in contact with past-past-past-past-.... and so will have a small documentation - even if it is in French.
21.06.2018 [23:38:24] <GuKKDevel> the fee was charged because only payed members are allowed to vote
21.06.2018 [23:40:12] <frederic> Etienne: meaning there is no procedure or documentation? (or only these given by GuKK)
21.06.2018 [23:41:39] <Etienne> I don't no. If there is one, you should have it or past-past-...
21.06.2018 [23:42:05] <frederic> Thank you. Enough for, to take care of time
21.06.2018 [23:42:34] <dops> If there is any then by Michael. I didn't receive anything with that name earlier.
21.06.2018 [23:43:37] <bdmc> Documentation, who needs documentation.  Let's just "wing it!"
21.06.2018 [23:44:05] <dops> self-explanatory ;-) unfortunately not
21.06.2018 [23:44:06] <Etienne> frederic, do not write a book, but just take notes for you. And expand it little by little while using it.
21.06.2018 [23:44:34] <bdmc> OK, as frederic said, I think that we have done Section 2.4.1.  Anything for 2.4.2?
21.06.2018 [23:45:31] <bdmc> ( 90 minutes )
21.06.2018 [23:45:31] <frederic> no
21.06.2018 [23:46:39] <bdmc> In that case, we are at Question Time.  We are open to questions from the floor, not just Board ( Committee ) Members.
21.06.2018 [23:48:20] <bdmc> Nothing heard.
21.06.2018 [23:48:39] <bdmc> In that case, when shall we meet again?  Two weeks, four?
21.06.2018 [23:49:48] <bdmc> Two weeks would be July 5th.  Four weeks would be the 19th.
21.06.2018 [23:50:13] <Etienne> (starting from July 16th, I am also available in mid-time=early morning for bdmc, evening in Australia until Aug. 19)
21.06.2018 [23:50:17] <bdmc> I tend to favour two or three, myself
21.06.2018 [23:50:57] <Etienne> July 5th or 12th?
21.06.2018 [23:51:03] <bdmc> Yes.
21.06.2018 [23:51:07] <bdmc> frederic: ???
21.06.2018 [23:51:48] <frederic> I am thinking
21.06.2018 [23:51:54] <bdmc> No rush.
21.06.2018 [23:53:24] <frederic> Since we scheduled our Paris meeting July 10th, 12th would be more productive because we will have been time to carry on on our side.
21.06.2018 [23:53:42] <bdmc> Good for me.  Etienne?
21.06.2018 [23:54:28] <Etienne> Perfect. Same theatre, same time on July 12th.
21.06.2018 [23:54:41] <frederic> Aye
21.06.2018 [23:54:50] <frederic> -)
21.06.2018 [23:54:54] <bdmc> ( this is rediculous --- 33 degrees outside right now )
21.06.2018 [23:55:32] <bdmc> Good, so we are agreed.  We will meet again at the same time of night, on the 12th.
21.06.2018 [23:55:48] <bdmc> Other than that, I will call this meeting complete.