Log of Board-meeting 2018-03-01-20:00 UTC

Timestamp all UTC +01:00

01.03.2018 [21:00:27] <Etienne> Hello Peter
01.03.2018 [21:00:58] <Peter> Hello Etienne
01.03.2018 [21:01:14] <GuKKDevel> hello to all
01.03.2018 [21:01:22] <Peter> Hello PeterYuill
01.03.2018 [21:01:25] <Etienne> Hello Karl-Heinz
01.03.2018 [21:01:41] <PeterYuill> Hello everyone
01.03.2018 [21:04:11] <GuKKDevel> we are four of us but brian and pnunn missing
01.03.2018 [21:04:30] <GuKKDevel> as ross is
01.03.2018 [21:04:42] <egal> and i'm reading ... at least part of the time ... 
01.03.2018 [21:05:42] <GuKKDevel> hi pnunn
01.03.2018 [21:06:03] <pnunn> Good morning all.
01.03.2018 [21:06:36] <Etienne> Good morning, pnunn
01.03.2018 [21:06:56] <PeterYuill> Hi pnunn
01.03.2018 [21:07:19] <Peter> Hello [A-Za-z]*      
01.03.2018 [21:08:08] <GuKKDevel> we have aqourum and the vice president is present
01.03.2018 [21:08:21] <pnunn> No president again?
01.03.2018 [21:09:13] <pnunn> Do we have an agenda?
01.03.2018 [21:10:13] <Etienne> https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-03-01
01.03.2018 [21:11:03] <pnunn> Shall we start then? I'll open the meeting. Can I as someone to take the minuets please.
01.03.2018 [21:11:21] <GuKKDevel> shall I?
01.03.2018 [21:11:35] <pnunn> Please.
01.03.2018 [21:11:42] <GuKKDevel> will do
01.03.2018 [21:12:04] <pnunn> Is there any time restrictions this morning. I've got about an hour and a half.
01.03.2018 [21:12:22] <Etienne> That's fine for me.
01.03.2018 [21:12:32] <GuKKDevel> end 21:30 utc?
01.03.2018 [21:13:01] <pnunn> That sounds like a good plan.
01.03.2018 [21:13:23] <pnunn> Has everyone seen the minutes of the last meeting? Any commentls?
01.03.2018 [21:14:25] <Etienne> I read them half an hour ago and was very pleased.
01.03.2018 [21:15:03] <pnunn> They look very good to me too. Given no comments I move we accept the minutes as accurate.
01.03.2018 [21:15:21] <Etienne> second and aye
01.03.2018 [21:15:46] <PeterYuill> aye
01.03.2018 [21:16:03] <GuKKDevel> abs
01.03.2018 [21:17:07] <pnunn> Have we lost Peter?
01.03.2018 [21:17:21] <Peter> No. aye
01.03.2018 [21:17:29] <pnunn> Thank you all.
01.03.2018 [21:17:58] <pnunn> Is there anything on board-private that needs to be disclosed? I'm not aware of anything.
01.03.2018 [21:18:53] <Etienne> I didn't see anything, me neither
01.03.2018 [21:19:16] <pnunn> Great, thanks Etienne.
01.03.2018 [21:19:19] <GuKKDevel> neither me
01.03.2018 [21:20:08] <GuKKDevel> except the question about the mailaddresses like asked for at https://wiki.cacert.org/AGM/NewBoardCheckList
01.03.2018 [21:21:16] <Etienne> @GuKKDevel: Do you see Gero next days as treasurer? If yes, could you address this too?
01.03.2018 [21:21:45] <GuKKDevel> I didn't get any response from him
01.03.2018 [21:22:23] <pnunn> Are you talking about item 2? 
01.03.2018 [21:23:45] <Etienne> @pnunn: There is in fact a relationship between last meeting's items and business, but I think we are still at theaction items.
01.03.2018 [21:24:22] <GuKKDevel> 1.5
01.03.2018 [21:24:25] <pnunn> Sorry, should have been clearer. Item 2 in the new board check list.
01.03.2018 [21:24:45] <pnunn> I'm not clear what emails are being discussed as needed.
01.03.2018 [21:26:10] <pnunn> Never mind.. has Amos completed the paperwork for OFT do we know?
01.03.2018 [21:26:15] <Etienne> I will write Jochim for e-mail-adresses.
01.03.2018 [21:26:53] <GuKKDevel> its about giving you access to the voting system, therefor I asked you to send your mailadresses to board-private
01.03.2018 [21:27:09] <GuKKDevel> all the new members of board
01.03.2018 [21:27:27] <Etienne> He said, he will have a chat with the secutirty guy of AWS within one week (about 3 weeks ago). Any news?
01.03.2018 [21:27:32] <GuKKDevel> only peter yuill did
01.03.2018 [21:27:37] <pnunn> OK. Thanks, that makes sense now.
01.03.2018 [21:29:01] <GuKKDevel> sorry Etienne whom you are talking about now?
01.03.2018 [21:29:29] <Etienne> I was talkimg about Amos / OFT /paperwork
01.03.2018 [21:29:55] <GuKKDevel> thx
01.03.2018 [21:30:11] <GuKKDevel> so we are at 2.1.2?
01.03.2018 [21:30:15] <pnunn> I've not heard anything since the last meeting from him. 
01.03.2018 [21:30:28] <Etienne> I will write him this week end.
01.03.2018 [21:30:45] <pnunn> I was still looking at the action items.. perhaps we should move on because there all covered anyway.
01.03.2018 [21:31:04] <pnunn> But yes, that would be 2.1.2.
01.03.2018 [21:31:52] <Etienne> That was action item and "Answer PO"
01.03.2018 [21:32:13] <pnunn> Yes.. has the issue with the previous PO been sorted out do we think?
01.03.2018 [21:32:50] <Etienne> I hope so. I will tell you on private-list as soon as I know more.
01.03.2018 [21:33:22] <pnunn> Great, thankyou Etienne, and thankyou for your efforts in sorting this out
01.03.2018 [21:33:42] <pnunn> 2.2.2? Anything to report here?
01.03.2018 [21:33:54] <pnunn> no sorry 2.1.2 that should be.
01.03.2018 [21:33:57] <Etienne> 2.1.2 "PO subcommittee" is just the information that the subcommittee sent the forms for 2017 one day before the limit to the OFT.
01.03.2018 [21:34:25] <pnunn> Good job, another organization I'm involved with hasn't got that far yet.
01.03.2018 [21:34:30] <Etienne> You had the confirmation on board private. With this, OFT was also informed about the last PO.
01.03.2018 [21:35:18] <pnunn> Yep saw that, hope everyone else did as well. Just out of interest do Peter and PeterYulll have board-private access yet?
01.03.2018 [21:35:19] <Etienne> The bill 45$ = 35 Fr was payd by credit card by me for the moment.
01.03.2018 [21:35:36] <Peter> Not working for me
01.03.2018 [21:36:28] <pnunn> How do we resolve that Etienne/GuKKDevel? I'm not sure.
01.03.2018 [21:37:00] <GuKKDevel> as long as jan doesn't have alls email adresses, we can do nothing
01.03.2018 [21:37:25] <pnunn> OK. That makes sense. Can you submit your email address then Peter?
01.03.2018 [21:38:06] <GuKKDevel> it should be a @cacert-address
01.03.2018 [21:38:27] <Peter> just done
01.03.2018 [21:38:29] <GuKKDevel> @cacert.org address
01.03.2018 [21:38:58] <pnunn> OK, moving on. 2.1.3?
01.03.2018 [21:39:33] <GuKKDevel> as I  remember has it been sorted out with your problems peterYuill
01.03.2018 [21:39:44] <GuKKDevel> was a question
01.03.2018 [21:40:11] <Etienne> The hand over should be done within two weeks after the AGM (statutes). 
01.03.2018 [21:40:31] <GuKKDevel> I know but has not been
01.03.2018 [21:40:47] <PeterYuill> Well I was able to generate a certificate using external process.
01.03.2018 [21:40:57] <Etienne> I try to help you to get ann answer.
01.03.2018 [21:41:04] <pnunn> A bit difficult if the old treasurer isn't contactable.
01.03.2018 [21:41:55] <PeterYuill> However it was not simple, so I am working on a desktop app to simplify it. Should have a prototype very soon.
01.03.2018 [21:42:44] <pnunn> Are you talking about 2.3 PeterYuill? 
01.03.2018 [21:42:59] <PeterYuill> Yes
01.03.2018 [21:43:36] <pnunn> OK, thanks. Are we done with 2.1.3? 
01.03.2018 [21:43:49] <PeterYuill> Do we have a sandbox where certificates can be generated that are not real?
01.03.2018 [21:44:56] <GuKKDevel> PeterYuill: I opened a private chat
01.03.2018 [21:46:07] <pnunn> So, seems we have moved to 2.2, we can come back to 2.1.
01.03.2018 [21:46:20] <GuKKDevel> as there is nothing to report, we are done with 2.1.3
01.03.2018 [21:46:51] <pnunn> OK. 2.3 then (sorry, wrong numbers before), we can come back to 2.2.
01.03.2018 [21:47:14] <PeterYuill> Will report back on 2.3 next time.
01.03.2018 [21:47:29] <Peter> 2.2?
01.03.2018 [21:47:31] <pnunn> OK, great. Some movement atleast.
01.03.2018 [21:47:36] <pnunn> 2.2 it is then.
01.03.2018 [21:47:38] <GuKKDevel> as mentioned last meeting we are waiting for the test system to start testing
01.03.2018 [21:47:49] <Peter> I had a look at the code and ran some up in PHP 7.
01.03.2018 [21:48:12] <pnunn> Do we know where dirk_on_server is with the test machine?
01.03.2018 [21:48:43] <Etienne> probabely at home
01.03.2018 [21:48:54] <GuKKDevel> at the current version on github therre was with branch bug-??? the problem ready to test
01.03.2018 [21:49:11] <GuKKDevel> egal
01.03.2018 [21:50:17] <GuKKDevel> so dirk could revise it and has to implemnt it on the test machine and 
01.03.2018 [21:50:26] <pnunn> Not here I guess. Can we ask Dirk for a report on what the status of the test server is for the next meeting if we don't get access before it?
01.03.2018 [21:51:24] <Etienne> The secretary will ask him.
01.03.2018 [21:51:41] <pnunn> So should Peter be talking to egal? How far did you get with it Peter?
01.03.2018 [21:51:42] <GuKKDevel> if he has done this we could start testing. but as he told me he has no access to the test-management ssystem that also is needed
01.03.2018 [21:52:14] <pnunn> OK. So many steps in this process..
01.03.2018 [21:52:35] <Peter> I have the cacert code in a local Web site. No database.
01.03.2018 [21:52:41] <GuKKDevel> all depends on Dirk
01.03.2018 [21:53:09] <GuKKDevel> Peter cacert has a git-site
01.03.2018 [21:53:57] <GuKKDevel> and as far as i know we have a mirror at github (I think under cacertorg)
01.03.2018 [21:55:11] <Peter> cacert-devel?
01.03.2018 [21:55:21] <GuKKDevel> yes
01.03.2018 [21:55:46] <Peter> Last commit 26 aug 2015
01.03.2018 [21:55:51] <GuKKDevel> yes
01.03.2018 [21:55:55] <Peter> That is the version I converted.
01.03.2018 [21:56:18] <GuKKDevel> wow
01.03.2018 [21:57:04] <Peter> No blog.cacert
01.03.2018 [21:57:33] <GuKKDevel> what do you mean with blog.cacert?
01.03.2018 [21:58:41] <GuKKDevel> peter should we do this conversation under #se?
01.03.2018 [21:58:45] <Peter> Some of the links go to blog.cacert. I have not set up server entry for blog.cacert. Have not set up database.
01.03.2018 [21:59:15] <Peter> Ok
01.03.2018 [21:59:52] <pnunn> Thanks Peter, GuKKDevel. But it does sound as though access to the test server is going to needed soon.
01.03.2018 [22:00:43] <GuKKDevel> it is
01.03.2018 [22:00:44] <pnunn> Moving on to 2.4. I know PeterYuill had some input into this.
01.03.2018 [22:01:53] <Etienne> on the agenda is a link to a sub page where all mails are collected that were sent to board-public-list from january 30 up to today.
01.03.2018 [22:02:08] <Etienne> https://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/CAcertInc/Committee/MeetingAgendasAndMinutes/2018-03-01/ideas
01.03.2018 [22:02:46] <Etienne> further ideas can ne added at any time. 
01.03.2018 [22:03:14] <PeterYuill> I contacted a couple of people about 2.4 . Best advice was to look at a broad social media campaign. Also attempted to make contact with people I knew at Red Hat, but no joy there.
01.03.2018 [22:04:22] <pnunn> Does cacert even have a social media presence? 
01.03.2018 [22:05:05] <GuKKDevel> we have twitter and xing as I know
01.03.2018 [22:05:10] <Etienne> We are on twitter, we have a blog, 
01.03.2018 [22:05:16] <Etienne> linkedin
01.03.2018 [22:05:45] <pnunn> OK. I'll have to look them up.
01.03.2018 [22:06:00] <GuKKDevel> but who does the work?
01.03.2018 [22:06:31] <Etienne> We have the former public relation officer, still willing to do some work.
01.03.2018 [22:06:42] <Etienne> Officially, there is no more PR officer.
01.03.2018 [22:07:09] <Etienne> He has access to the blog, one twitter, linkedin, maybe xing accounts.
01.03.2018 [22:07:33] <PeterYuill> Is it feasible to mail the community with an appeal, or is that considered a breach of privacy?
01.03.2018 [22:07:50] <pnunn> I'm happy to work with someone on the grants process (not that I have any relevant experience or contacts in any of those organizations).
01.03.2018 [22:08:35] <pnunn> I emailed all of the Australian Assurers as you know PeterYuill, must admit I didn't even consider privacy considerations though.
01.03.2018 [22:09:11] <GuKKDevel> as long as we address the mailinglist cacert there is no breach
01.03.2018 [22:09:34] <GuKKDevel> it is only a breach if we select them from our signer-database
01.03.2018 [22:09:54] <PeterYuill> Yes, of course.
01.03.2018 [22:11:15] <pnunn> Is there a mechanism we can email all of the people on that list then asking for them to join cacert as members and ask for help with funding either in $ or in time?
01.03.2018 [22:11:48] <GuKKDevel> It is the same as sending a mail to board-private
01.03.2018 [22:12:14] <pnunn> Ahh. I see. 
01.03.2018 [22:12:21] <GuKKDevel> all members of that list will be mailed
01.03.2018 [22:13:57] <GuKKDevel> should we make a text for this list and place it on the wiki-page Etienne established?
01.03.2018 [22:14:21] <GuKKDevel> so we could send it to the list after the next meeting?
01.03.2018 [22:14:22] <pnunn> Does that list have people who are not currently financial members on it? Is that the group we should be targeting to increase the size of the pool? 
01.03.2018 [22:15:03] <pnunn> That's a good idea GuKKDevel. We can all have input into what we want to say that way. I was trying to work out a way to do that.
01.03.2018 [22:15:03] <GuKKDevel> Cacert@.. is the list where all interested people can subscribe
01.03.2018 [22:15:33] <PeterYuill> I suspect that getting control of the Twitter, LinkedIn accounts needs to be a priority as well.
01.03.2018 [22:15:37] <Etienne> about 780 people. Inc members are about 50-60.
01.03.2018 [22:16:05] <GuKKDevel> cacert-member@ is a list where only members of Cacert INC can be subscribed by secretary or so (It is not a public list)
01.03.2018 [22:16:07] <Etienne> We have control of most of this accounts (PR-Of and I).
01.03.2018 [22:16:13] <pnunn> We could put out a tweet on the same subject when we send the email?
01.03.2018 [22:16:59] <GuKKDevel> we can blog it  and tweet the address
01.03.2018 [22:17:32] <pnunn> Sounds like a good plan. Lets get something ready to go after the next meeting. Do you have time to throw a starting message up Etienne or GuKKDevel?
01.03.2018 [22:17:45] <GuKKDevel> but therefore we have to get in touch with PR-O (Alex B?)
01.03.2018 [22:18:21] <pnunn> Or should we ask PR-O to start this off then?
01.03.2018 [22:18:28] <GuKKDevel> what means starting message?
01.03.2018 [22:18:52] <Etienne> There are allready messages, since acess is back: https://twitter.com/CAcert
01.03.2018 [22:19:02] <pnunn> Put the basics into the page Etienne started so we can all edit it.
01.03.2018 [22:19:49] <pnunn> 163 followers.. we need to get that higher as well.
01.03.2018 [22:21:07] <GuKKDevel> I think we should contact PR-O also could be he can give us hints 
01.03.2018 [22:21:35] <GuKKDevel> etienne would you be so kind? CC to private-list
01.03.2018 [22:22:27] <Etienne> yes, it is noted on my to-do-list-until-sunday.
01.03.2018 [22:22:48] <GuKKDevel> time reminder
01.03.2018 [22:22:55] <pnunn> Thank you. Is there any more discussion on 2.4 today?
01.03.2018 [22:23:03] <GuKKDevel> it is 21:22 UTC
01.03.2018 [22:23:42] <pnunn> Is there any more business?
01.03.2018 [22:24:22] <GuKKDevel> should we move something about the collecting or should we do it as action item?
01.03.2018 [22:24:53] <pnunn> Probably an action item at the moment. Noting concrete yet to move is there?
01.03.2018 [22:25:40] <pnunn> OK, moving on to item 3. Any questions from the community?
01.03.2018 [22:26:01] <egal> next meeting? 
01.03.2018 [22:26:21] <pnunn> Welcome egal
01.03.2018 [22:26:40] <GuKKDevel> two weeks friday?
01.03.2018 [22:27:24] <pnunn> So the 16th in Europe, 17th in OZ?
01.03.2018 [22:27:27] <GuKKDevel> egal did you notice the question about the testserver?
01.03.2018 [22:28:09] <GuKKDevel> same time?
01.03.2018 [22:28:16] <GuKKDevel> 20 UTC?
01.03.2018 [22:28:20] <pnunn> Works for me.
01.03.2018 [22:28:22] <PeterYuill> 16th fine for me
01.03.2018 [22:28:28] <Etienne> Works for me.
01.03.2018 [22:28:36] <pnunn> That will be the 17th for us PeterYuill
01.03.2018 [22:28:51] <egal> answered your question: i'll try to, but if the meeting is on 16th i'll not be online due to holiday
01.03.2018 [22:28:58] <egal> 15th would be ok
01.03.2018 [22:29:27] <pnunn> I'm fine with the day earlier. Others?
01.03.2018 [22:29:35] <Peter> yes
01.03.2018 [22:29:37] <PeterYuill> Both ok for me
01.03.2018 [22:29:41] <GuKKDevel> 15th ok
01.03.2018 [22:30:03] <Etienne> 15th is ok for me
01.03.2018 [22:30:17] <pnunn> So be it.. the 15th it is, same time as this meeting.
01.03.2018 [22:30:30] <pnunn> Thank you all for your attendance and input.
01.03.2018 [22:30:37] <pnunn> I hereby close the meeting.