Before: Arbitrator Eva Stöwe (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Benny B (C), Case: a20131207.1

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part) (optional)

EOT Private Part



Global Privacy considerations

specific SQL-Queries and Considerations

sql1a1 and sql1a2

   1 select COUNT(*) from `notary` left join `users` on (`notary`.`from` = `users`.`id`) where `users`.`id` is null;

   1 select COUNT(*) from `notary` left join `users` on (`notary`.`to` = `users`.`id`) where `users`.`id` is null;

Both queries were created, tested and approved by 2 software assessors (Michael T and C) at sap 2013-12-10.

The queries give the number of non-existing member ids mentioned in assurances. This does not reveal any personal information of members or groups of member. Especially since there are no members connected to the counted ids.

There is no privacy issue preventing the execution of this query.

Result of sql1a1:

Result of sql1a2:


   1 select COUNT(*) from `notary` join `users` on `notary`.`from` = `users`.`id`where `users`.`assurer` = 0;

The query was created, tested and approved by 2 software assessors (Michael T and C) at sap 2013-12-10.

It is expected, that there are accounts in the database who were assurer once, but had the assurer flag removed later on. That may be due to a ruling of an arbitration. But even more such combinations should stem from the time when CATs was started and the assurer status was removed for everybody who did not pass the CATs.

Since the expected answer to the original question is "no", and the number again does not reveal any personal informations of members, it is best to directly ask for the number of matchig accounts.

There is no privacy issue preventing the execution of this query.

Results of sql1b:


Software team could not provide a query to answer that question, since the relevant information is not stored in the database.

C should be asked to drop or to help to update the question. Else he could provide a query as a member of the software team, that would answer the question. Currently there is no other way to proceed here.

C stated via Skype at 2013-12-13 that he wants to provide a matching query.


   1 select COUNT(*) from `notary` join `users` on `notary`.`from` = `users`.`id`where `users`.`deleted` != 0;

The query was created, tested and approved by 2 software assessors (Michael T and C) at sap 2013-12-10.

It is konwn that there are accounts of former assurer in the database where the assurances were not removed. All of them should have been handled by arbitration cases and arbitrators collecting the according CAP forms.

Since the answer of the original question should be "no", and the number again does not reveal any personal informations of members, it is best to directly ask for the number of matchig accounts.

There is no privacy issue preventing the execution of this query.

Results of sql1d:


   1 select count(*) from `notary` where `to` = 0;

The query was created, tested and approved by 2 software assessors (Michael T and C) at sap 2013-12-10.

This is a comparable question and query to sql1a2.

There is no privacy issue preventing the execution of this query.

Results of sql2a:


   1 select count(*) from `notary` where `from` = 0;

The query was created, tested and approved by 2 software assessors (Michael T and C) at sap 2013-12-10.

This is a comparable question and query to sql1a1.

There is no privacy issue preventing the execution of this query.

Results of sql2b:


Since there were no real policies active at the start von CAcert, but there were some otherwise defined assurance programs, the question has to be opend up to look for all assurance programs, not only for policies.

Currently (2013-12-13) there does not exist a list with precise dates when which assurance program was active and it may be hard to fix explicite dates for the correct start and end of some of them.

According to a20091118.1 it took some time to get the information about the end of a program published and the software fixed so that according entries would be impossible.

What could be done and could help to answer the question is to find the dates of first and last entries for assurances of all kinds known to the database.

Even if it is hard to tell when a program started and stopped exactly, it may be possible to check if all entries for a program fall into a period where the program was clearly running.


   1 select method, count(*), min(`when`), max(`when`) from notary group by method;

The query was created, tested and approved by 2 software assessors (Michael T and C) at sap 2013-12-10.

Even as only some assurers were able to initiate assurances of some kinds, the queries do not reveal any private informations of the involved assurer. The defining dates tell more about the respective programs than the involved assurers.

There is no privacy issue preventing the execution of this query.

Results of sql3a1:


Software team could not provide a query to answer that question, since the relevant information would be stored in a text-field and it is currently not known, what entries would be allowed. Answer from software team was: Not impossible but a lot of work.

C should be asked to drop or update the question, so that it could be answered somehow. Else he could provide a query as a member of the software team.

A discussion via Skype at 2013-12-13 with C gave:

Considerations to split the case

1.c, 3.a, 3.b cannot be easily answered without a deeper look into the database and some dig into the history of allowed forms of assurances in the past. Additionally it's not easy to provide according sql-querries for automated answers on the DB.

There is another case (a20131124.2) running where similare or related queries were performed already and related questions have to be answered. Because of this A, CM and C of both cases discussed to merge split those parts of this case from the rest of this case and merge them with a20131124.2. One of the arguments was that by this the queries for related personal informaitons in the DB would be lessened since they only would be done once.

If C of this case should get access to the private informations that were already gatherd in a20131124.2 or if he will be included to get every further privat information should be decided in merged case by the according arbitrator.


Partial Ruling I (sql1a1, sql1a2, sql1b, sql1d, sql2a, sql2b, sql3a1)

The following sql-queries should be executed by critical team:

select COUNT(*) from `notary` left join `users` on (`notary`.`from` = `users`.`id`) where `users`.`id` is null;

select COUNT(*) from `notary` left join `users` on (`notary`.`to` = `users`.`id`) where `users`.`id` is null;

select COUNT(*) from `notary` join `users` on `notary`.`from` = `users`.`id` where `users`.`assurer` = 0;

select COUNT(*) from `notary` join `users` on `notary`.`from` = `users`.`id`where `users`.`deleted` != 0;

select count(*) from `notary` where `to` = 0;

select count(*) from `notary` where `from` = 0;

select method, count(*), min(`when`), max(`when`) from notary group by method;

--- Cologne, 2013-12-15

Partial Ruling II (split for 1.c, 3.a, 3.b)

The case should be split, so that the remaining parts of this case (1.c, 3.a, 3.b) can be merged with a20131124.2 afterwards.

-- Kiel, 2014-01-26


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Arbitrations/a20131207.1 (last edited 2014-01-26 02:30:33 by EvaStöwe)