Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Dean L (C), Case: a20110315.1

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part)

EOT Private Part


Intermediate Ruling

I have to follow up this case as of a potential CCA violation

Support send you a reply to your request back in March/April 2011, to notify you of a problem with the name in your account.

I have to follow up this case, as your name in your account:

violates current policies.

So therefor I hereby order to you, that you correct your account name to your legal name or I have to continue this case with an Administrative Delete Account.

Policy violations given:

Assurance Policy: Assurance Policy (AP)

CAcert Community Agreement: CAcert Community Agreement (CCA)

As you've didn't answered yet on the Init mailing (see below) I assume that you didn't accepted the CAcert Community Agreement yet.

So therefor I have to initiate an Administrative Delete Account process if you didn't reply within a 2 weeks period until

and didn't correct your account name to your name as defined by policies.

You can interrupt this process, if you

  1. correct your username in your account -and-
  2. respond to this intermediate ruling with acceptance of CCA / DRP under this arbitration.

Hopefuly I'll hear from you soon.

Finally, please remember: this forum is about sorting out our common difficulties and improving our ability to secure ourselves. Unlike other forums, we will all be required to work together after this Arbitration, so I ask you to maintain a positive and helpful spirit at all times!

Frankfurt/Main, 2011-04-30

Intermediate Ruling #2

Without any response from the user, this case turned into an administrative delete account case caused by:

  1. CCA and AP violations CCA 0.1 (2), CCA 1.1, AP 0.1, AP 2.1
  2. and CCA violation CCA 3.5

By following the DRP 2.2 Preliminaries the user disqualifies himself to be a member and therefor is treated as NRP:

The user has received the opportunity to enter into CAcert and be bound by the CPS and these rules of arbitration. By not responding to the Intermediate Ruling #1 dated 2011-04-30, this opportunity has not been accepted.

So therefor I hereby order (Support)

  1. that Support should hijack the users account
  2. Please make a snapshot printout (to pdf) of the complete users account
  3. revoke all existing client certs, server certs, GPG/PGP keys
  4. to lock the account

Frankfurt/Main, 2011-05-23


One of the requirements to become member of CAcert's community is to accept the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA) that includes the acceptance of Arbitration under the Dispute Resolution Policy. The user gets notified with CCA and DRP acceptance requests several times, but these are all still unanswered.

I hereby confirm the intermediate rulings #1 dated 2011-04-30 and #2 dated 2011-05-23 and follow the deliberations given.

As no CAcert Community Agreement (CCA) and Dispute Resolution Policy acceptance confirmation could be established right now between the user and CAcert, I hereby cancel the users membership (if it yet still persists). CCA termination date set to 2011-06-17.

Support should anonymize all users data (Name, DoB, Password Reset questions, Location, reset the notification settings to 0, and so on) except the primary email address used. The user account to keep locked as it violates Assurance Policy and CCA minimum requirements (see deliberations from intermediate ruling #1) as there is no secure fact established, that the user don't tries to re-use this banned account.

Frankfurt/Main, 2011-06-17


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