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This is the support top-level page. please don't move this page.

I need Support

If you have some question not already answered on the Frequently Asked Questions page please have a look at GettingSupport

I want to help the Support Team

HelpingCAcert is always a good thing. We do need your help :) We are a community, and the only help that we can give you is that that which we give ourselves.

The best place to help our community support team is to join the cacert-support mailing list. You need to have a client certificate to be able to login on that site.

If that is a little too much, there are plenty of other opportunities in HelpingCAcert.

I want to understand Support!

Perverse but good! For understanding support, try these (all wip notes):

No, seriously. I want to JOIN!

Outstanding! Your first test is to find the team leader and tell him :)