Back to SGM

Special General Meeting, April 10th 2016, 11:00 UTC

This is the discussion page for an SGM to be called to discuss the unpleasant situation resulting from the AGM that was held on 2015-11-22. This page is used to refer to discussions happening around the proposed business.
This SGM is confirmed by arbitration - see ruling for details!.


The meeting will be held the Sunday, 10th of April 2016, 11:00 UTC in the IRC channel #SGM on the IRC server. Procedures should be followed, check there for more help. To help, please be there very early so we can get people voiced up. See here to know your local time to attend:

The meeting is public, everyone is allowed to attend. The SGM will be moderated, only association members will be voiced.

Please make sure your fees are paid up.


By a ruling from arbitration, the agenda to be used for the meeting on April 9th is the agenda as it was available on March 2nd, which is version 13: SGM/20160409?action=recall&rev=13 (formerly SGM/Next?action=recall&rev=13)

Stroked agenda items were already addressed in the SGM/SGM20160409. see Arbitrations/a20160330.1

For this SGM, business must be notified to the secretary:

1. As the first order of business, to consider and vote on each and every properly submitted membership application received by the the secretary in the proceeding sixty days, up to the opening of the SGM that has either not yet been admitted to the association as a member, or have been refused membership.

2. To consider, and if thought fit, to vote on the following resolutions:

  1. RESOLVED, that the membership is disheartened by the recently elected committee and its persistent disrespect for properly established arbitration policies and procedures.

  2. RESOLVED, that the committee as constituted no longer enjoys the confidence of the members, and each committee member is removed from their position. Rule 20.

    • In the event that 2. fails, 2.b is called for each member in turn: 2.b RESOLVED, that the member NAME no longer enjoys the confidence of the members, and NAME is removed from their position. Rule 20.

  3. RESOLVED, that CAcert Inc has been placed into an unacceptable breach of our CAcert Community Agreement, is no longer acting in the interests of the community, and is therefore no longer a suitable vehicle for the community's property and role as executive.

    • if 3. passes, then propose this motion 4.:

  4. RESOLVED, that CAcert Inc be placed under emergency administration by a caretaker board of 3 Australian members who are empowered to wind up the association in consultation with OFT and transfer the property to a new corporation.

    • Else, if 3. fails, propose this motion 5.:

  5. RESOLVED, that

    • *CAcert Inc's actions were the sole responsibility of the committee members, *that CAcert Inc with a duly formed committee that respects and abides by the rulings of arbitration enjoys our confidence in the future, and *that the liabilities of CAcert Inc during the period of troubles should remain strictly limited under our DRP as if arbitration was not suspended.

  6. RESOLVED, the new committee is to create a detailed and fully transparent, uncensored report of the old committee's activities since the AGM to which all members of the community may contribute. This report is to be presented to a general meeting for ratification.

3. If the above motion to remove the committee is carried, RESOLVED to elect a new board.

4. To consider, and if thought fit, accept any nominations from the floor to fill any casual board vacancies arising.


If you cannot attend a General Meeting, a proxy vote can be done via appointing an other member as your proxy-holder for your vote.

You can find a elaborately information about proxy vote and early vote at full length for both, proxy giver and proxy holder, following this link.

Proxylist (draft)

This is a draft, as known to member's.

Name proxy giver

Name proxy holder

Mail (with no mention, time stamp means CEST)

Dig. sig. or CARS

on time

Jeffery Frederick

Eva Stöwe (Sunday only)

Thu, 7 Apr 2016 19:46:01 -0400 local time



Greg Rose

Eva Stöwe

06.04.2016 um 16:15 Uhr



Philipp Dunkel

Etienne Ruedin

07.04.2016 um 16:08 Uhr



Tomáš Trnka

Ian Grigg 1 - Etienne Ruedin 3 - Gero Treuner

07.04.2016 um 21:13 Uhr



Patrick Pointu

Ian Grigg 2 - Etienne Ruedin 4 - Eva Stowe

07.04.2016 um 21:42 Uhr



Brian McCullough

Ian Grigg 3 - Etienne Ruedin 5 - Eva Stowe

07.04.2016 um 22:14 Uhr



Matthias Šubik

Ian Grigg 4 - Eva Stowe 4 - Etienne Ruedin

07.04.2016 um 22:36 Uhr



Hans Verbeek

Gero Treuner

07.04.2016 um 23:02 Uhr



Martin Papst

Eva Stowe 5 - Dirk Astrath 1 - Gero Treuner 3 - Etienne Ruedin

07.04.2016 um 23:26 Uhr



Benedikt Heintel

Benny Baumann

07.04.2016 um 23:39 Uhr



Etienne Ruedin

Alexander Bahlo - Dirk Astrath - Gero Treuner

08.04.2016 um 00:26 Uhr CEST



Benjamin Ball

Dirk Astrath - Philipp Dunkel - Gero Treuner

08.04.2016 um 04:39 Uh CEST



Kevin Dawson

Ian Grigg - Eva Stowe - Ian Alastair (Alex-UK) Robertson - Etienne Ruedin - Gero Treuner

08.04.2016 um 07:23 Uhr CEST



Dirk Astrath

Alexander Bahlo - Eva Stöwe - Etienne Ruedin

08.04.2016 um 10:54 Uhr CEST



Piers Lauder

Ian Grigg - Eva Stowe - Etienne Ruedin

08.04.2016 um 11:45 Uhr CEST



Jürgen Bruckner

Marcus Mängel

08.04.2016 um 11:48 Uhr CEST



Bastiaan Franciscus van den Dikkenberg

Eva Stowe - Dirk Astrath - Gero Treuner - Alexander Bahlo

08.04.2016 um 12:04 Uhr CEST



Nico Baggus

Eva Stöwe

08. April 2016 12:39 CET



Millis Leonard Miller

Eva Stowe - Dirk Astrath - Gero Treuner - Alexander Bahlo

08.04.2016 um 12:57 Uhr CEST



Eva Stöwe

Dirk Astrath - Gero Treuner - Philipp Dunkel - Lambert Hofstra - Ian Alastair Robertson (Alex)

08.04.2016 um 13:07 Uhr CEST



Andreas Terpotitz

Benny Baumann



Doris Bruckner

Benny Baumann



Martin Gummi

Benny Baumann



Fabian Knopf

Werner Dworak




For the Secretary?

List of Proxy


There were no decisions to be taken at this meeting, as there was no business left to be performed at the meeting.


General Meeting Information

All times within the minutes are UTC. Times in any related material provided by the minutes may be in CEST, if not stated otherwise.


The SGM was opened at 11:08:45 UTC by Ian Grigg who was selected as acting president and chair for the meeting.


The SGM was closed at 11:26:33 UTC by the chair Ian Grigg.


Ian Grigg chaired the meeting as acting president as the board was not constituted, yet. This was done in consent with present members.


Eva Stöwe was asked and accepted to do the minutes.

Present members

In total 30 members participated either in person (12) or via proxy (18).

There was quorum.

The following members were present:

Andreas Terpotitz

present via Benny Baumann 4

Bas Dikkenburg

present via Dirk Astrath 3

Benedikt Heintel

present via Benny Baumann 1

Benjamin Ball

present via Dirk Astrath 2

Benny Baumann

Brian McCullough

Christian Recktenwald

Dirk Astrath

Doris Bruckner

present via Benny Baumann 3

Etienne Ruedin

present via Dirk Astrath 1

Eva Stoewe

Fabian Knopf

present via Werner Dworak 1

Gero Treuner

Greg Rose

present via Eva Stöwe 1

Guillaumr Romagny

Hans Verbeek

present via Gero Treuner 1

Ian Alastair Robertson

Ian Grigg

Jeffery Frederick

present via Eva Stöwe 3

Karl-Heinz Goedderz

Kevin Dawson

present via Ian Grigg 4

Lambert Hofstra

Martin Gummi

present via Benny Baumann 2

Martin Papst

present via Eva Stöwe 2

Matthias Šubik

present via Ian Grigg 3

Millis Miller

present via Dirk Astrath 4

Patrick Pointu

present via Ian Grigg 2

Piers Lauder

present via Eva Stöwe 4

Tomáš Trnka

present via Ian Grigg 1

Werner Dworak

The identification of the proxies was left for the minutes. The process for this is added below the minutes.

actual Minutes

Note1: The standard items that are not named in the agenda, are named in the minutes following usual practice. The items that are named in the agenda are named as in the agenda.

Note2: Prior to the opening of the meeting it was observed that it was not possible to use the votebot as nobody had rights to provide voice in the moderated votes channel. Such rights sofar were not transfered to the new board members and also nobody else present seemed to have according rights.

So the meeting was working on a show of hands basis.

Part 0. Preliminaries
0.0 Identification of acting president / chair to open the meeting
As the board was just installed in SGM at 2016-04-09, which was the day
before and as that board could not have had a constitutional meeting (as
invitation time has to be 48h) and as SGM did not identify the roles of
the board members, so far the position president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer were not given to a specific board-member.

Because of this, there was some need to identify who should take over
the role of president and by this chair for the board members for the
time beeing until the board had their constitutional meeting.

The following board members were present in person: Ian Grigg, Gero
Treuner and Dirk Astrath.

Eva Stöwe proposes "that the three present board members select an
acting president and that person is chair for this meeting" This is
seconded four times.

Gero Treuner proposes Dirk Astrath, Ian Grigg agrees but Dirk Astrath
refuses because of technical issues.

Eva Stöwe proposes Ian Grigg, present (board and other) members ok this
selection, Ian Grigg asks for objections, nobody voiced objections.

0.1. Open Meeting
At 11:08:45 UTC Ian Grigg openes the meeting. [Ian Grigg is unsure about
the time zone, the correct time for the correct time zone was left for
the minutes.]

0.2 Minutes
Eva Stöwe volunteers to do the minutes. This is accepted.

0.3 clarification of need for votes / business
The chair asks if anyone believes that there are motions to be
established. Multiple members voice that they don't believe so.

IanAlastairRobertson highlights, that this meeting is under the
oversight of an arbitration ruling
[note: the arbitration case is a20160330.1]

WernerDworak states: "By, the way, if I see it right, yesterday not all
candidates did confirm their nomination and none of the board member did
accept his election. Therefore I regard the present board not as valid"
- The chair acknowledgs the point but decides to work on for the moment.
Benny Baumann seconds something (as there were multiple statements it is
unclear which one, but probably the one from Werner).

The chair states: "As far as I know, yesterday’s motions covered all the
business required, and we may introduce no new business.". Multiple
members agree. Lambert Hofstra, arbitrator of the named arbitration
case, confirms: "I think all motions were covered yesterday"

BrianMcCullough asks a question about the layout of the agenda page and
if this could lead to issues [before arbitration]. Other members explain
the history and that missing parts of the layout (date and time of SGM)
were not available at the time, when the agenda was set, so were not
filled at that time. The arbitrator had reverted the agenda to that
status and had used the according wiki status as refence. So this is
already covered by arbitration. BrianMcCullough accepts those
explanations, and declares to not have an issue if others don't have an
issue with this.

As the wiki page for the SGM agenda was moved around after the SGM
2016-04-09, members point to the new location of the agenda, that was
referenced in the ruling:

LambertHofstra clarifies: "Both SGM 's had the same topics / agenda ,
and you cannot revote on the same topics without informing all members
so there are no topics left IMHO"

GuillaumeRomagny is of the opinion that point 1 and point 4 could be
called. Eva Stöwe states that it is blocked by the "no" on 3 by

0.4 Identification of members with voting rights
Present members are asked to identify themselves by writing "*" in the
channel, to identify present members for the minutes.

0.6 Identify proxies
The chair decides that in absence of open business points, that there is
no need to calcualte the full proxy list and that the one at the wiki
page can be accepted. - Benny Baumann states that there are differences
between proxis from SGM at 2016-04-09 and this SGM. - Eva Stöwe is aware
about the existence of such difference and that there is a table about
both meetings, linked to the wiki page by the former secretary. - The
chair clarifies that "there may well be differences, but as we have no
substantive motion, there is no need to count them." - BennyBaumann
insists: "if we skip those formalities of identifying proxies we are
open for dispute ..." - the chair declares that he understands his point
and that we move on.

The details of the proxies are left for the minutes.

1. Acceptance of new members
The chair asks if there are new members to accept and that he does not
believe this to be the case. Others believe the same.

The chair states that even if this would be the case, that this business
point would have beeen covered with yesterdays meeting and falls under
the ruling.

2. To consider, and if thought fit, to vote on the following resolutions
The chair moves to this business point and declares it to be coverd with
yesterdays meeting, as well.

3. and 4. "RESOLVED to elect a new board." and "To consider, and if
thought fit, accept any nominations from the floor to fill any casual
board vacancies arising. "
The chair moves to this business point and declares it to be coverd with
yesterdays meeting, as well.

The chair statest that with no further business points he believes that
the meeting could be closed. He asks if anybody obejcts especially with
business that has to be covered.

Nobody objects, members move to close the meeting, this is seconded
multiple times.

The chair closes the meeting at 11:26:33.

Process for identification of the proxies for sgm 2016-04-10

The following members were identified to have been present in person:

1. Step (identify all proxy givers):

Greg Rose


Philipp Dunkel


Tomas Trnka


Patrick Pointu


Brian McCullough


Matthias Šubik


Hans Verbeek


Martin Papst


Benedikt Heintel


Etienne Ruedin


Jeffery Frederick


Benjam Ball


Kevin Dawson


Fabian Knopf


Martin Gummi


Dirk Astrath


Doris Bruckner


Andreas Terpotitz


Jürgen Bruckner


Piers Lauder


Bas van Dikkenberg


Nico Baggus rejected


Millis Miller


Eva Stöwe


The dates/times that were not available in any other manner were verified by asking the current secretary, as their order was relevant for the correct identification of the proxies. (Times - where of relevance - can be found below.)

2. Step (drop all present proxy givers):

From those the following members were present (the whole time), so are not further considered:

3. Step (identify all possible proxies):

The following persons wer named as proxies one or multiple times:

4. Step (drop all non-present possible proxies):

From those the following members were not present, so they were dropped:

5. Step (drop all proxies for only present proxy givers):

Lambert Hofstra was only named as possible proxy by Eva Stöwe, As Eva Stöwe was present, Lambert Hofstra was dropped as well.

6. Step (drop all proxy givers for whom no proxy was present):

Philipp Dunkel only had named Etienne Ruedin as possible proxy. As Etienne Ruedin was not present, Philipp Dunkel had no present proxy and was dropped as well.

7. Step (go through proxy mails in order of sending for avialable present proxies):

a) Wed, 6 Apr 2016 07:15:29 -0700 [6 Apr 2016 14:15:29 UTC]
Gregory Gordon Rose: Eva Stöwe
as there was no earlier proxy given to Eva Stöwe, first choice is used
=> Greg Rose (present via Eva Stöwe 1)

b) Thu, 07 Apr 2016 21:13:43 +0200 [7 Apr 2016 19:13:43 UTC]
Tomáš Trnka: Ian Grigg, Etienne Ruedin, Gero Treuner
as there was no earlier proxy given to Ian Grigg, first choice is used
=> Tomáš Trnka (present via Ian Grigg 1)

c) Thu, 7 Apr 2016 15:42:58 -0400 [7 Apr 2016 19:42:58 UTC]
Patrick Pointu: Ian Grigg, Etienne Ruedin, Eva Stowe
as there was only one earlier proxy given to Ian Grigg, first choice is used
=> Patrick Pointu (present via Ian Grigg 2)

d) Thu, 7 Apr 2016 22:36:59 +0200 [7 Apr 2016 20:36:59 UTC]
Matthias Šubik: Ian Grigg, Eva Stowe, Etienne Ruedin
as there were only two earlier proxies given to Ian Grigg, first choice is used
=> Matthias Šubik (present via Ian Grigg 3)

e) Thu, 7 Apr 2016 23:02:25 +0200 [7 Apr 2016 21:02:25 UTC]
Hans Verbeek: Gero Treuner
as there was no earlier proxy given to Gero Treuner, first choice is used
=> Hans Verbeek (present via Gero Treuner 1)

f) Thu, 7 Apr 2016 23:26:11 +0200 [7 Apr 2016 21:26:11 UTC]
Martin Papst: Eva Stowe, Dirk Astrath, Gero Treuner, Etienne Ruedin
as there was only one earlier proxy given to Eva Stöwe, first choice is used
=> Martin Papst (present via Eva Stöwe 2)

g) Thu, 7 Apr 2016 23:34:05 +0200 [7 Apr 2016 21:34:05 UTC]
Benedikt Heintel: Benny Baumann
as there was no earlier proxy given to Benny Baumann, first choice is used
=> Benedikt Heintel (present via Benny Baumann 1)

h) 08.04.2016 um 00:26 Uhr CEST [7 Apr 2016 22:26:58 UTC] [according to
list in wiki, maintained by Etienne, at same position named in table of
Marcus Mängel, verified with current secretary]
Etienne Ruedin: Alexander Bahlo, Dirk Astrath, Gero Treuner
as the first choice is not present, it cannot be used,
as there was no earlier proxy given to Dirk Astrath, second choice is used
=> Etienne Ruedin (present via Dirk Astrath 1)

i) Thu, 7 Apr 2016 19:46:01 -0400 [7. Apr 2016  23:46:01 UTC] 
[By Marcus stated to be before Philipp Dunkel / Tomas Trnka, which was found to be wrong, but would not change anything]
Jeffery Frederick: Eva Stowe
as there were only two earlier proxies given to Eva Stöwe, first choice is used
=> Jeffery Frederick (present via Eva Stöwe 3)

j) Fri, 8 Apr 2016 12:39:19 +1000 [8 Apr 2016 02:39:19 UTC]
Benjamin Ball: Dirk Astrath, Philipp Dunkel, Gero Treuner
as there was only one earlier proxy given to Dirk Astrath, first choice is used
=> Benjamin Ball (present via Dirk Astrath 2)

k) Fri, 08 Apr 2016 15:23:17 +1000 [8 Apr 2016 05:23:17 UTC]
Kevin Dawson: Ian Grigg, Eva Stowe, Alex Robertson, Etienne Ruedin, Gero Treuner
as there were only three earlier proxies given to Ian Grigg, first choice is used
=> Kevin Dawson (present via Ian Grigg 4)
This is the last proxy allowed for Ian Grigg!

l) Thu, 8 Apr 2016 08:54:15 +0200 [8 Apr 2016 06:54:15  UTC] 
[according to current secretary]
Fabian Knopf: Werner Dworak
as there was no earlier proxy given to Werner Dworak, first choice is used
=> Fabian Knopf (present via Werner Dworak 1)

m) Thu, 8 Apr 2016 08:55:18 +0200 [8 Apr 2016 06:55:18 UTC] 
[according to current secretary]
Martin Gummi: Benny Baumann
as there was only one earlier proxy given to Benny Baumann, first choice is used
=> Martin Gummi (present via Benny Baumann 2)

n) Thu, 8 Apr 2016 11:30:45 +0200 [8 Apr 2016 09:30:45 UTC]
Doris Bruckner: Benny Baumann
as there were only two earlier proxy given to Benny Baumann, first choice could be used
=> Doris Bruckner (present via Benny Baumann 3)

o) Thu, 8 Apr 2016 09:39:04 +0000 [8 Apr 2016 09:39:04 UTC]
Andreas Terpotitz: Benny Baumann
as there were only three earlier proxy given to Benny Baumann, first choice could be used
=> Andreas Terpotitz (present via Benny Baumann 4)
This is the last proxy allowed for Benny Baumann!

p) Fri, 8 Apr 2016 11:48:01 +0200 [Apr 2016 09:48:01 UTC]
[by Marcus stated to be before Piers, which can be discussed, Piers had send to mails. But the order in this case does not matter as they do not share a proxy]
Juergen Markus BRUCKNER: Benny BAUMANN (Differnt from SGM 2016-04-09)
as Benny Baumann already has 4 proxies he cannot take another one
as he had not named a valid, present proxy for this meeting, Jürgen Bruckner was not able to participate via proxy

q) Fri, 8 Apr 2016 19:45:53 +1000 [8 Apr 2016 09:45:53 UTC] re-send at:
Fri, 08 Apr 2016 19:56:38 +1000 [8 Apr 2016 09:56:38 UTC]
Piers Lauder: Ian Grigg, Eva Stowe, Etienne Ruedin
as Ian Grigg already has 4 proxies he cannot take another one
as there were only three earlier proxies given to Eva Stöwe, second choice is used
=> Piers Lauder (present via Eva Stöwe 4)
This is the last proxy allowed for Eva Stöwe!

r) Fri, 8 Apr 2016 10:04:18 +0000 [8 Apr 2016 10:04:18 UTC]
Bastiaan Franciscus van den Dikkenberg: Eva Stowe, Dirk Astrath, Gero Treuner, Alexander Bahlo
as Eva Stöwe already has 4 proxies she cannot take another one
as there were only two earlier proxies given to Dirk Astrath, second choice is used
=> Bas Dikkenburg (present via Dirk Astrath 3)

s) Fri, 08 Apr 2016 12:38:51 +0200 [8 Apr 2016 10:38:51 +0200 UTC]
Nico Baggus: Eva Stoewe
as Eva Stöwe already has 4 proxies she cannot take another one
as he had not named a valid, present proxy for this meeting, Nico Baggus was not able to participate via proxy

t) Fri, 8 Apr 2016 10:57:27 +0000 [8 Apr 2016 10:57:27 UTC]
Millis Leonard Miller: Eva Stowe, Dirk Astrath, Gero Treuner, Alexander Bahlo
as Eva Stöwe already has 4 proxies she cannot take another one
as there were only three earlier proxies given to Dirk Astrath, second choice is used
=> Millis Miller (present via Dirk Astrath 4)
This is the last proxy allowed for Dirk Astrath!

8. Step review lists based on membership status, which may have changed

a) possible questions about new member Nico Baggus

As the only named proxy for Nico Baggus was not availalbe, anyway, there was no need to consider this question, futher.

b) possible resignation of Doris Bruckner, Andreas Terpotitz and Jürgen Bruckner

This would not change the order of proxies as either all resignations would have taken effect, or none of them. All of them had named Benny Baumann as their proxy and Benny Baumann was not named as a proxy after them.

The statutes state:

4 Cessation of membership
A person ceases to be a member of the association if the person:
(a) dies, or
(b) resigns membership, or
(c) is expelled from the association, or
(d) has accumulated three years of unpaid membership fees.

and further

7 Resignation of membership
(1) A member of the association is not entitled to resign that membership except in accordance with this rule.
(2) A member of the association may resign from membership of the association by giving to the secretary written or digitally signed email notice to resign. On acceptance of the resignation, the  member ceases to be a member. Acceptance may only be delayed under rule 11.
(3) If a member of the association ceases to be a member under clause
(2), and in every other case where a member ceases to hold membership, the secretary must make an appropriate entry in the register of members recording the date on which the member ceased to be a member.

So the resignation from membership has to be accepted [by the association represented by board or maybe a GM where this is part of the business]

Board could not accept the resignations between 2016-04-09 and 2016-04-10 as they could not have held a board-meeting at that time, as that would have required a 48h notice before. As board was not installed even 24h this was not possible at the time of the SGM 2016-04-10.

While there was a SGM taking place, the agenda did not include the acceptance of new members and new business is not allowed to be added to a SGM.

So it seems as if CAcert Inc was not able to accept the resignation of those members at that time. (So the acceptance also could not have been delayed at that time, as well.)

As the association rules 7 (2) states that the time of acceptance is relevant for the cessation of membership, Doris, Andreas and Jürgen were members at the time of the meeting. Their resignation did not take effect at this time.

It seems that none of them had reverted their proxies. Even as they possibly had lost interest in participating at the meeting, they would have had to express this via their proxy holder (for example by him not voting with the proxy).

==> So the list of above proxies does not seem to be affected by joining or leaving members.

Greg Rose (present via Eva Stöwe 1)
Tomáš Trnka (present via Ian Grigg 1)
Patrick Pointu (present via Ian Grigg 2)
Matthias Šubik (present via Ian Grigg 3)
Hans Verbeek (present via Gero Treuner 1)
Martin Papst (present via Eva Stöwe 2)
Benedikt Heintel (present via Benny Baumann 1)
Etienne Ruedin (present via Dirk Astrath 1)
Jeffery Frederick (present via Eva Stöwe 3)
Benjamin Ball (present via Dirk Astrath 2)
Kevin Dawson (present via Ian Grigg 4)
Fabian Knopf (present via Werner Dworak 1)
Martin Gummi (present via Benny Baumann 2)
Doris Bruckner (present via Benny Baumann 3)
Andreas Terpotitz (present via Benny Baumann 4)
Piers Lauder (present via Eva Stöwe 4)
Bas Dikkenburg (present via Dirk Astrath 3)
Millis Miller (present via Dirk Astrath 4)

The following members were not present in person but had declared at least one proxy for the meeting but none of their named proxies were available and/or present at the SGM:

Plese note: the evaluation done in the above proxy identification was done by the person who prepared the minutes. Even if accepted by the GM, they are not binding on arbitration.