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I need support! Please help me!

Easy Help

If your request is not private (involves no sensitive data), then use the email form on www.cacert.org.

Use the LEFT button for routine questions, otherwise use the right button for sensitive questions (see below).

Info We will Need

In addition to stating your problem, please don't forget to specify the full story. For example:

Mailing lists

Your email will be forwarded to the cacert-support mailinglist, which you can also join or mail to directly.

(Note, we are working on a web forum for community help.)

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

CAcert also runs an IRC channel with people hanging around all the time, willing to help. If you are into IRC, jump over to the IRC page, grab the paramaters, join and ask.


room Name










might not be open

Other channels can be opened on demand.

Are you new to IRC, or have some questions on how to use it effectively? Then check out IRChelp for tips on getting clients for your machine, getting started, basic commands, etc., See you on #cacert!


Privacy or Sensitive Help

To send a private E-Mail to CAcert's support channel:

  1. the easiest way is to use the email form on www.cacert.org, but use the RIGHT button for security / sensitive issues, which will then deliver it securely to support @c.o

  2. mail yourself directly to support @c.o. This might be better if you need to sign your email.

Email Directly to Support

In most cases, the "easy help" solutions will be faster help for you. When sensitive data or similar requests are sent to Support Team, the contents are posted to support @c.o, which will be slower. This will involve a review at several levels to deal with the request. You can also do this directly if the email form doesn't have the features you need.

Administrative Changes and Disputes

Sending administrative changes, disputes and external requests should go through support@c.o., either by you mailing directly, or using the above sensitive Web Post service.

Many support requests require more care. When a support request requires a change to some other account, or something that is outside the norm, CAcert's Support Team send this on to Arbitration. This simply means that instead of support handling it directly, it is passed on to our Arbitration process, which has the authority to rule and direct. Support has no authority by itself to fix anything.

Other References


You don't want to check the CAcert website for news every day? Try a rss-news reader - this might be the solution for you.

Now it's your turn!

If you find CAcert convenient and appreciate the work and effort made by all the contributors, you can support its infrastructure and future developments, feel free to have a look at CacertDonate.

There are lots of suggestions on HelpingCAcert for ways YOU can help!

Technical Background of the CAcert Support

All CAcert Support operations are described at the Support Pages. Have a look and see if you find your place there.

Areas of Interest

This wiki:

The SVN repository is a more formal base of documentation for some heavier documents.

Note that much of the commentary on the website is out-of-date.

Snail Mail

Snail Mail should be used for practically nothing. All formal disputes, services of notices, etc should be emailed to support @c.o where CAcert's support team will forward it to the appropriate place.

Postal Address:

CAcert Inc.
Clos Belmont 2
1208 Genève

If by law you must send a snail mail, make sure you email the contents as above to support @c.o, and indicate that a snail mail is to follow.