Exec Meeting 2007

Meeting held at Pirmasens, Germany. The published minutes followed the following agenda fairly faithfully, and should be referred to for all results.

Work-in-progress Agenda

Day 1: Committee

  1. Review agenda, allocate time to items
  2. Approve minutes of previous meeting
  3. Review arrangements for the week
  4. finances, bank account, Discussion about changing Banking institution, Change of address proposal (15)
  5. review of past decisions (print) (30)

    1. acceptance / rejection of any past decisions, or of document
    2. See past decisions documented at http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/board_review_actions_20040820_20070525.html

  6. other assets: domains, DNS, ... (15)
  7. AGM (60)
    1. membership register
    2. requirements, allocation of tasks
    3. recruitment of new members
    4. recruitment of new directors
    5. motions suggested on wiki at NextAnnualGeneralMeeting

    6. mission of the Inc., responsibilities Inc.
  8. EU DPA proposal (15)
  9. founder review (15)
  10. organisation chart (60)
    1. future organisation / association / home a.Inc.-Community-working groups
  11. Breakout / Board meeting
    1. memorandum of understanding (Oophaga)
    2. proposals of new members
    3. Requests for funding

Day 2: Advisory

  1. OA policy (60)
  2. HR (60)
    1. officers
    2. AGM board directors
  3. Risks, Liabilities, and Obligations (R/L/O) (60)
    1. NRP-DAL
    2. RUA
    3. Principles.
  4. Future (120)
    1. mission
    2. Marketing
    3. sustainability
  5. Breakout / Board meeting (15)

Day 3: Audit

  1. History (30)
    1. overview of criteria
    2. situation with mofo
    3. suspension / oversight
  2. Mission of audit (10)
  3. Auditing: (Everything but the big audit) (15)
    1. Code auditing
    2. Internal auditing
    3. Quality control
  4. Policy process (60)
    1. Advisory actions
    2. Audit: Controlled Configuration Specification (CCS)
  5. PoP (10)
  6. Governance (30)
    1. oversight
    2. 4 eyes control
    3. dual control
    4. rules of dispute resolution (RDR)
  7. Systems issues (30)
    1. restart
  8. Management perspective (15)
    1. handover
    2. restart
  9. List of things to be done. (15)
  10. Future issues. (30)
    1. financing
    2. future audit
    3. internal audit department
  11. Breakout / Board meeting (15)
    1. suspension / oversight
    2. proposals already sent, and to be chased:
      1. R/L/O: NRP-DAL, RUA, Principles.
      2. RDR: rules of dispute resolution

Day 4: Systems

  1. History of the Systems
  2. Architecture
  3. Progress of migration
  4. Security
    1. Security Manual
  5. assets
    1. Vienna data center
    2. domains and DNS
    3. NL data center
    4. status of Australian servers
  6. Support
  7. Software Development
    1. open source
    2. source code regime
  8. Issues
    1. team
    2. readiness to request restart of audit
  9. Future plan
  10. Breakout / Board meeting
    1. open source

Day 5: Business

  1. Board opening and report (GGR) (15)
  2. Education report (Jens Paul) (45)
  3. HR report (Advisory) (20)
    1. language
  4. Events report (Mario) (15)
  5. Public Relations report (Henrik) (20)
    1. <kes>

    2. founder
    3. Event Manager: process, responsible person, "legal agent"
  6. Organisation Assurance report? (20)
    1. Assurance report?
  7. Documentation report (20)
    1. classification of critical CCS, numbering
    2. working arrangements (OO => HTML)

  8. Software development (30)
    1. team
    2. open source
  9. System administration report (20)
    1. migration to NL
  10. Support (5)
  11. Privacy report (30)
  12. Mission discussion (advisory) (60)
    1. brainstorming, not prescriptive
  13. Audit update (20)
    1. Code Audit report (from ascii)
    2. Systems audit (Auditor)
  14. Officer process (15)
    1. contact methods, wiki page
  15. R/L/O - presentation of new agreements (Advisory) (20)
    1. registered user agreement
    2. Non-related persons -- Disclaimer and Licence.
    3. Principles of the Community
    4. RDR -- Rules of Dispute Resolution



List of documents to be printed out for working purposes. Cut-off date for mass printing: Wednesday night 12th.

Note, links will not work or are out of date until SVN changeover Friday night 07 September. Instead see old SVN