Attachment 'BoardMeeting_2020-08-13.txt'


   1 [22:20:59]  <FD>	Hi guys!
   2 [22:21:26]  <FredericG>	and girls, if any
   3 [22:22:55]  <FD>	Bonsoir Frédéric,
   4 [22:23:16]  <FredericG>	Bonsoir Frédéric
   5 [22:23:29]  <FD>	Dirk was kind enough to ping me over Telegram, otherwise, I would have missed the date.
   6 [22:23:50]  <FD>	Sascha, are you there, too?
   7 [22:23:58]  <egal>	... as the other board-members did ... ;-(
   8 [22:23:58]  <egal>	hi
   9 [22:24:01]  <FredericG>	Je t'ai envoyé un sms parce j'avais un doute de me retrouver quasiment tout seul, alors qu'Etienne a rappelé la réunion
  10 [22:25:00]  <FD>	Ah, c'est une super idée. J'ai entendu mon téléphone sonner à l'autre bout de l'appartement, et me suis dit que... je verrai plus tard ce que c'est. :-)
  11 [22:25:21]  <FredericG>	Ben v'là
  12 [22:25:26]  <FD>	For all: nothing more than small talk with Frédéric. :-)
  13 [22:25:39]  <FredericG>	C'est bizarre qu'Etienne ne soit pas là, non ?
  14 [22:25:59]  <egal>	a french->english-translator helps ... :-)
  15 [22:26:29]  <FD>	@Dirk: Etienne recommends
  16 [22:26:57]  <FredericG>	I am worrying the absence of Etienne. And Brian
  17 [22:26:59]  <egal>	dann kann hier ja jeder in seiner muttersprache schreiben ... und schon verstehen wir uns alle ;-)
  18 [22:27:05]  <FD>	Thanks to Etienne's recommendation, I forgot about translate.g.c, and switched over deepl.
  19 [22:28:05]  <FD>	@Dirk: the call for tender I talked about is ~2000 pages long, most of them written in... german!
  20 [22:28:26]  <FredericG>	@egal bestimmt !
  21 [22:28:42]  <FD>	Yes, even with Deepl, this is a pain... :-)
  22 [22:30:01]  <FredericG>	es wird mich an meine Schuljahre erinnern. Ich möchte Deutsch sehr.
  23 [22:30:13]  <FD>	@Dirk: Si nous avions une application qui traduise en temps réel les propos de chacun dans la langue choisie par chacun des autres, ce serait vraiment très agréable.
  24 [22:30:29]  <FD>	@Dirk: Wenn wir eine Anwendung hätten, die in Echtzeit übersetzt, was jeder sagt, und zwar in die Sprache, die der andere auswählt, wäre das wirklich schön.
  25 [22:31:11]  <FD>	Mais parles-tu Allemand, Frédéric, ou nous impressionnes-tu à coup de traducteur automatique?
  26 [22:31:29]  <egal>	babelfish ... unfortunately only available in the universe, where the hitchhiker takes place ... ;-)
  27 [22:32:15]  <FD>	Well, I heard about the real time vocal translation was offered by IBM, then by Skype too, a few years ago
  28 [22:32:19]  <FredericG>	I was pretty good in German at school. I remember some simple sentences like this one and can read
  29 [22:33:05]  <FD>	I never heard further about these on-line services. Looks like people did not adopt them, perhaps because of a lack of reliability?
  30 [22:33:11]  <FredericG>	I just discover deepl thanks to your comment here. This is a new service. Do you recommend it instead of Google Translate?
  31 [22:33:26]  <FD>	Definitely yes.
  32 [22:33:53]  <FredericG>	Ok, thank you
  33 [22:34:12]  <FD>	Deepl is the service recommended by Etienne for all our translation works, done on the CAcert's application and forms.
  34 [22:36:07]  <FD>	Regarding the news of CAcert, I had today a very interesting talk with a business partner, very involved with security matters.
  35 [22:36:58]  <FD>	He sees a opportunities for CAcert's non publicly trusted certificates to be useful on security hardware appliances.
  36 [22:37:43]  <FD>	He sees there more than an opportunity for CAcert to find sponsors, but perhaps even to find a possible "business model".
  37 [22:38:49]  <FD>	It might worth to give him a chance to talk to us, in order to explore his idea. He is a tough guy in security, not a "power user" or a "geek".
  38 [22:39:53]  <FD>	Basically, what he sees might help us a refreshing our "mission statement", keeping as our "core business" the ability to certify the true ID of persons and organisations.
  39 [22:40:46]  <egal>	build up a web-of-trust ... and use it for a certificate authority or to identify persons ...
  40 [22:41:29]  <egal>	not: create a certificate authority ... and then think about a wot ...
  41 [22:41:40]  <FD>	Yes, he was very positive about the many applications which at present exist for a certificate authority able to certify true ID.
  42 [22:42:31]  <FD>	Well, if you want to do so, I could organize a talk online with him, one day or another.
  43 [22:43:04]  <FD>	Not a talk for him and me, but a talk for him and all (or most) of you.
  44 [22:45:15]  <FD>	The good news of the day looks like being the post of Etienne, calling donors to direct their money to our freshly opened SEPA / EUR bank account. Thanks Etienne!
  45 [22:45:21]  <FD>
  46 [22:46:03]  <egal>	the paypal-issue is not yet resolved?
  47 [22:46:48]  <FD>	I saw a very active Bret sending mails, but did not read my maibox, because of the tender which I talked about.
  48 [22:46:56]  <FD>	Frédéric might have details?
  49 [22:49:19]  <FredericG>	I do
  50 [22:49:38]  <FredericG>	The situation stays the same with Paypal
  51 [22:50:13]  <FredericG>	But we have attracted the interest of Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
  52 [22:51:10]  <FredericG>	with a dedicated people who is asking us questions and facts to take the situation in charge.
  53 [22:53:17]  <FredericG>	Everything is giving us hard work and takes a lot of time. See, we complained to AFCA in February / March, because a delay was mandatory between our fight with Paypal and the complain.
  54 [22:54:30]  <FredericG>	Still, we faced to a company well-known (I didn't know before) to have a hugly customer service.
  55 [22:56:18]  <FredericG>	Since Bret, who is a local Australian, helps us, it gave us more skills to fight. For instance, I was able to give him access of our Paypal account a few days ago and he can now read and write to the "message center" without my intermediation.
  56 [22:58:19]  <FD>	Very good.
  57 [22:58:40]  <FD>	Were you able to create a Paypal profile for Christophe and Etienne, too?
  58 [22:59:19]  <FredericG>	In a nutshell, we're taking small steps and Paypal stays still an issue with our money and transactions blocked. If you could see the Paypal messages, you would be amazed how irrelevant they are.:
  59 [23:00:36]  <FredericG>	no, it is necessary to take 15 mn with a screen share and Christophe was unavailable.
  60 [23:02:39]  <FredericG>	at the same time, we are investigating to find another competitor of Paypal, which is highly technical on financial and legal matter.
  61 [23:03:23]  <FD>	You are right.
  62 [23:03:52]  <FD>	Thanks for having done it with Bret!
  63 [23:05:16]  <FD>	Guys, time to bed?
  64 [23:05:23]  <FredericG>	For instance, some services operate only in European currency, others don't operate in Switzerland, others are too much costly for our small usage, others have legal conditions very complicated, or hidden costs, etc.
  65 [23:06:00]  <FredericG>	Yes, too bad we were just a few
  66 [23:06:39]  <FD>	Dirk, what's about opening a merchant account at Secure-U, as we started to consider it?
  67 [23:08:13]  <FD>	Remember the Canadian business, which wanted to help us, enough to have a SEPA bank account in the EU, not in the European Economic Area!
  68 [23:12:53]  <FD>	Dirk, are you there still?
  69 [23:14:27] 	Etienne (2efdbfd9@localhost) joined the channel.
  70 [23:14:58]  <FD>	Bonsoir Etienne,
  71 [23:15:09]  <Etienne>	Bonsoir FD
  72 [23:15:32]  <egal>	yep ... still there ...
  73 [23:15:59]  <egal>	i do remember ... but currently runing out of time ... as both kids are here ... ;-)
  74 [23:16:22]  <FD>	Appelles, moi par mon prénom, je t'en prie. :-)
  75 [23:16:48]  <FredericG>	Bonsoir ER :-)
  76 [23:16:55]  <Etienne>	Pardon, Frédéric
  77 [23:17:16]  <egal>	moin etienne ... etwas spaet zwar ... aber du bist da ... ;-)
  78 [23:17:46]  <FredericG>	we were leaving!
  79 [23:18:00]  <FD>	"moin" means "Gruß Gott", O guess. :-)
  80 [23:18:25]  <egal>	correct ... ;-)
  81 [23:18:33]  <Etienne>	Sorry, I am late. OK, so I will read the minutes...
  82 [23:18:52]  <egal>	moin is usual in north of germany ... while "gruess gott" is usual in bavaria (south of germany)
  83 [23:20:03]  <FD>	Etienne, I sent you a copy of the log by mail, for you to have an overview of the discussed topics.
  84 [23:20:05]  <FredericG>	I didn't know. Thank you for teaching
  85 [23:20:20]  <FD>	Ganz genau.
  86 [23:20:23]  <FD>	:-)
  87 [23:20:36]  <Etienne>	Thank you Frédéric.
  88 [23:20:53]  <FredericG>	by the way, any news from Brian?
  89 [23:21:22]  <Etienne>	egal, is my code good enough?
  90 [23:21:42]  <FD>	The meeting did not take place in a formal way, it was rather an open exchange on two topics:
  91 [23:22:13]  <FD>	1 - taking advantage of CAcert in embedded security devices;
  92 [23:22:25]  <Etienne>	Brian? No. Election campaign? Pandemic? Busy day? Trying to do some research.
  93 [23:22:28]  <egal>	@etienne will check it next week ... was running out of time the last two weeks due to both kids being at my place
  94 [23:22:50]  <FD>	2 - progress in our efforts to resolve the Paypal case
  95 [23:24:17]  <Etienne>	@egal: I ask mainly because I've never done this before. It didn't seem that difficult. It's either good luck or total hubris.
  96 [23:25:16]  <Etienne>	@FD: Paypal is running, tomorrow is a deadline at AFCA. Bret wrote our report with some help from FG? and me.
  97 [23:26:04]  <FD>	Thank you.
  98 [23:28:10]  <Etienne>	For another day: Frédéric, absentees are always wrong (French saying) But in a threesome (FD, FG, sat) one can have a formal meeting. One of them leads. We've done it many times. Half of the items on the agenda have to be skipped for lack of knowledge, but the other half is done. And nobody can grumble "they are not doing anything".
  99 [23:28:38]  <egal>	@etienne: no problem ... but you need to wait some days for my review ... then i'll place your code on our testserver so it can be tested ...
 100 [23:28:51]  <egal>	you'll get updates oin some days ...
 101 [23:29:24]  <Etienne>	Ich lese täglich die Zeitung und ab und zu den Bugtracker.
 102 [23:29:34]  <Etienne>	I read the newspaper every day and from time to time the bug tracker.
 103 [23:29:53]  <FD>	@Etienne: Your idea was mine, too. At the beginning, I asked twice if Sascha was here with us, he was not.
 104 [23:30:15]  <egal>	zeitung? ... die lese ich nur, wenn ich bei mutter bin ... ;-)
 105 [23:30:35]  <Etienne>	The latter a little too little. Otherwise I would have remembered my own review 2019 and not recoded it :-(
 106 [23:31:47]  <Etienne>	Sorry, you read only the "Frankfurter Allgemeine", but in Switzerland we still have "Neue Zürcher (including: Zeitung)" :-)
 107 [23:34:17]  <egal>	nope ... i read the "waz" ... westdeutsche allgemeine zeitung ... ;-)
 108 [23:35:29]  <egal>	when will the next meeting take place?
 109 [23:35:50]  <FD>	Next week same day same time^
 110 [23:35:54]  <FD>	?
 111 [23:36:23]  <egal>	and ... when do teamleads get an email with the request for team reports? ;-)
 112 [23:37:25]  <Etienne>	I wrote alllready, but I suppose having issues with the list server.
 113 [23:37:41]  <Etienne>	I am not shure if all messages are delivered.
 114 [23:37:56]  <Etienne>	I am shure, that I cannot reset the password.
 115 [23:39:44]  <FredericG>	Etienne, if it isn't too late for you, would you spend 7 mn with me. Sharing my screen, I can grant you access to our Paypal account?Does it make sense?
 116 [23:40:16]  <FredericG>	Or another day?
 117 [23:40:25]  <egal>	next week(s) are thursday are fine for me
 118 [23:40:45]  <FD>	@Etienne @Frédéric: Good idea to do it now.
 119 [23:40:48]  <FD>	:-)
 120 [23:41:35]  <Etienne>	Same programm, same people, same place (but on time)?
 121 [23:41:43]  <FD>	Yes
 122 [23:42:30]  <FredericG>	yes
 123 [23:42:45]  <Etienne>	20.08.2020 20.00 UTC = 22.00 MESZ/OEZ

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