writing down my Dates I make a mistake

Instead of ##. ### ### (my date of birth) I wrote ##. of ###.

Please correct it.

I found no Way to do it myself

I myself assured Konny in Munich. The data of his ID cards conform to
the CAP form I hold. But his account shows the wrong DoB. So I refused
to enter his data to the online system. Other assurers the same. But one
(unexperienced) Assurer Hans-Peter P <email anonymized>
overlooked the error and gave him 10 points.

I informed Hans-Peter about revoking his assurance via support and
arbitration but got no response up to now.

If I am right, I cannot do the change directly but need the order of an
arbitrator for it. So please decide what to do.

Regards, Werner

Werner Dworak (<email anonymized>) hat mich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass ich bei meiner Assurance von Konny Hoff
(<email anonymized>) nicht aufmerksam genug war.

Bitte löschen Sie meine Assurance, bis Konny seine Daten korrigiert hat.

116269  2009-11-24  <further details>

Before: Arbitrator Andreas Bäß (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Konny Hoff (C1) Werner Dworak (C2) Peter Pawlaczyk (C3), Case: a20091126.1

History Log



I herby rule that the assurance points assigned in error by Hans-Peter Pawlaczyk will be deleted by CAcert support. This will enable the user to correct his birthdate and receive assurers points from the assurers that have met him but before.

As we do not get feedback from the CAcert member if he has changed his DOB I hereby request support to check if the member has set his DOB to the correct value. If the member has failed to do so, I request support to set the DOB and send a notifying email to Werner Dworak and Peter Pawlaczyk so that the assurers can assign the assurance points.

Offenbach 2011-03-08


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Arbitrations/a20091126.1 (last edited 2011-03-09 04:56:54 by UlrichSchroeter)