agm20100130.4.1 Internal Dispute Resolution

Result - CARRIED


1(1) Policies of the community are now relevant to the members of the association. (This also allows Assurance Policy to define the membership, so has a bearing on AGM/RuleChange/AssurersAsMembers.)

1(1) Definition of a CA.

11. The substance of this motion: the old dispute resolution process of going to a "Community Justice Center" in Australia is dropped, and we will use a CAcert Arbitration to resolve disputes.

This is for exactly the same logic as why we have Arbitration in the first place. Statistically, all disputes will be between someone overseas and someone else. Anyone who is outside Australia will not be able to afford the flight to get to this special place, so they are shut out. So in effect, this puts in place our cheap and efficient dispute resolution, the one we already have, and know works.

Motion Carried (New Text)

By inserting the following additional definitions at rule 1(1):

 a Policy means a reference to the Policies of the Community duly passed to at least DRAFT under CAcert Community's Policy on Policy
 a Certificate Authority is an entity that issues digital certificates for use by other parties

By deleting rule 11, and inserting in its place:

11. Resolution of internal disputes
(1) Disputes between members (in their capacity of members) of the
    association and disputes between members and the association, 
    are to be dealt with in accordance with the association's Dispute
    Resolution Policy.

By deleting clause 7(2), and inserting in its place:

(2) A member of the association may resign from membership of the association by giving to the secretary written or digitally signed email notice to resign. On acceptance of the resignation, the member ceases to be a member. Acceptance may only be delayed under rule 11.

Old Text

11      Resolution of internal disputes
(1) Disputes between members (in their capacity as members) of the association, and disputes between members and the association, are to be referred to a community justice centre for mediation in accordance with the Community Justice Centres Act 1983.
(2) At least 7 days before a mediation session is to commence, the parties are to exchange statements of the issues that are in dispute between them and supply copies to the mediator.


By deleting clause7(2), and inserting in its place:

(2) A member of the association who has paid all amounts payable by the member to the association in respect of the member's membership, and is not named in any ongoing dispute under rule 7, may resign from membership of the association by first giving to the secretary written or digitally signed email notice of at least one month (or such other period as the committee may determine) of the member's intention to resign and, on the expiration of the period of notice, the member ceases to be a member.

(2) A member of the association may resign from membership of the association by giving to the secretary written or digitally signed email notice to resign. On acceptance of the resignation, the member ceases to be a member. Acceptance may only be delayed under rule 11.