NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS - Community is invited to participate actively :-) E-Mail Lists

Mailings comma Background & Status International Community - English Language Local Communities - Local Language Personalized Mass E-Mails

Mailings - Snippets - Find & Exchange Ideas & Thoughts


(posting in
the mandatory announcement concept relating to the account settings on
My Details - My Alert Settings ( )
is, that all email adresses are handled (i.e. for the upcoming CCA announcement )
so a solution thru SYMPA needs a frequently sync of member accounts email addresses, otherwise the mandatory announcements doesn't receive _all_ members

The actual concept is a scripted mailing (see also arbitration case a20090525.1 )

The difference between the Events mailings and the CCA mailing is, that the Alert Settings doesn't needs to be checked for the CCA mailing, but checked by the Event mailings (respects Alert settings) ...

Some guys requested in the past, to program this scripting concept to a webpage for officers (i.e. PR, Events, Board, Assurance Officer, Education Officer) under a submenu at by filling a form with some options and the mailing text (i.e. mailing in a circle around a city, posts to a country, worldwide)
Nobody wrote this app yet.

About the content: yup - its about compressed infos regarding Assurance, CCA, and other infos, that are essential for the assurers in the community or for all who using certs (see above form with 'options') i.e. results of the Junior Members Policy discussion if its going to Draft so the policy is binding to all assurers