. '''NOTA BENE - WORK IN PROGRESS''' - [[#Inputs_&_Thoughts|Your Inputs & Thoughts]] :-) . '''To Technology''' '''[[Technology#Technology_Knowledge_Base| Knowledge Base]]''' - '''To Technology ''' '''[[Technology/KnowledgeBase| Knowledge Base - Overview]]''' - '''To Technology Knowledge Base -''' '''[[Technology/KnowledgeBase/WebAppCertLogin| Web Application Certificate Login]]''' - '''To CAcert.org Laboratory -''' '''[[Technology/Laboratory/BlogCertLogin| CAcert.org Blog Certificate Login]]''' ---- == Drupal CMS - Certificate Login == . by '''YourName''' . Description / Intro / Version? / Requirements? . Drupal [[http://drupal.org/project/certificatelogin| Module Certificate Login]] by Moses Blumenstiel (moses@flamingvan.com) <
> == Theory / Background == . Explain clear and understandable <
> == Server Configuration / Requirements == . Description / Points / Step by step <
> == Code & Configuration == . Text / Description step by step . Code snippets / scripts download . Explain: <
> {{{ Code }}} . Additional comment, if needed {{{ Code }}} <
> ---- == Inputs & Thoughts == . 2010-01-19-[[hugi]] . {{{ Just added readme text, would be nice, if technician / Web site developer /administrator would add more (practical) beef to this know-how page! README.txt Name: certificatelogin module Author: Moses Blumenstiel (moses@flamingvan.com) Drupal: 6.x ***************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Allow users to login by certificate. ***************************************************************************** INSTALLATION: 1. Place whole certificatelogin folder into your Drupal modules/ directory. 2. Enable certificatelogin module by navigating to Administer > Site Building > Modules (admin/build/modules) 3. Bring up certificatelogin configuration screen by navigating to Administer > Site Configuration > Certificate Login Settings (admin/settings/certificatelogin) 4. Configure all settings SETTINGS / OPTIONS: Most options should be pretty much self-explanatory. But some may not! "Enable/Disable" Enable the Certificate Login module. "Automatic Login Path" Path for automatic authentication. The URL must be accessed with HTTPS. If the field is left blank and the module is enabled then accessing any HTTPS will attempt a login. "PHP code to retrieve user name" This code should evaluate to the username that will be taken from the environmental variable. For example '$GLOBALS['user']->mail'. The value will be used as a username so it must be unique. An email address is a good choice. Do not include PHP tags. "Account Creation" Automatically create accounts when they do not exist. Account names must be unique so using email addresses is a good idea! "Current Login Override" If the user is currently logged in and this option is enabled they will be logged out and logged in as the user corresponding to their certificate. If it is disabled they will only be logged in if they are not currently logged in. ***************************************************************************** Enjoy. Moses. }}} ---- . YYYYMMDD-YourName . {{{ Text / Your Statements, thoughts and e-mail snippets, Please }}} ---- <
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