. '''To [[TTP|TTP-Assisted-Assurance Program - Mainpage]]''' ---- = TTP Program Deployment = '''CAcert TTP-Assisted-Assurance program deployment''' ---- == Questions that needs to be answered on this page == === Open Questions === || Deployment of TTP program in countries not yet covered by the TTP Program || {0} || || Where to get infos about TTPs in a specific country ? || {0} || || (to be continue) || || ---- == Where to get infos about TTPs in a specific country ? == * By default OA's (Organisation Assurers) have such infos, but in seeding a CAcert desert, there is unusual that OA's exists from the beginning * OA's from a region of a specified country may have such infos * [[https://secure.cacert.org/account.php?id=56|OA's overview]] * Do we have Assurer Contacts from events of the specified country ? * Do we have Assurer Contacts from the specified country ? * [[https://secure.cacert.org/wot.php?id=1|Assurers by Country]] * Do we have Assurers available who are familiar with the continents law (Europe, South America) ? * Who to contact / spread the infos ? * Mailing lists ? * support public * education list * OA list * review events list of past events * Ask the requestor on further infos for deployment * Do you have useful information about possible TTP's in your country? * Do you have assurer contacts within your country or from other contries? * Do you have contact to a possible TTP eg Public Notary who is willing in answering questions regarding TTP deployment for your country ? * Do you know if the TTP will charge for their doing? * Can you provide a job discription for the desired TTP similar to the one for the [[TTP/TTPAL/US|Notary Public for the US]]? * Do you know if there is the possibilty to check the registration number of the desired TTP? == Relations in the TTP program and the OA program == * Potential infos about a TTP's in a country can be given by Organisation Admins for that country. But the problem in seeding CAcert deserts is, that there are no OA's available from the beginning. * So the question here that araises: * How we get the needed infos about TTP's from an undeployed country ? * Can we find TTP's who are willing in answering questions regarding the TTP program by a CAcert contact familiar with the TTP program ? * Are there OA's available from other countries who are familiar enough with the OA deployment of a foreign country ? * OA deployment is written in OA policy, that is based onto support by 2 active OAs (possible from other countries) so probably TTP program deployment follows OA's deployment ?!? * To become OA for a country, there is a need to be an Assurer before. To become Assurer in CAcert deserts is probably based on the TTP program. So this probably results in a clash: no OA's w/o TTP-assisted-assurance program, no TTP-assisted-assurance program w/o OA's who are familiar with the potential TTP's in a country ---- . CategoryAssurance . [[CategoryAssuranceTTP]]