etckeeper is a tool to keep configuration files in a version control system (git, bazaar or mercurial). The Debian package management tools (apt-get, aptitude) integrate with etckeeper so that configuration is version controlled during updates. = Installation = Installation is done using apt-get or aptitude. The default VCS used by etckeeper is git. {{{ aptitude install etckeeper etckeeper init }}} (more recent versions of etckeeper are automatically initialized by aptitude/apt-get). == Notes for Debian Etch == etckeeper is available for Etch via the service. To use it you have to add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list {{{ deb etch-backports main }}} There are some instructions for using backports at = Usage = Perform commit of changes to /etc {{{ etckeeper commit [message] }}} Watch the commit logs {{{ cd /etc git log }}} The rest is just git operations as documented in the fine git documentation.