## page was renamed from comma/Support/SE/Manual/DeleteAccount = Delete Account Procedure = This is the proposed procedure to be followed when deleting an account as per execution request of an Arbitrator. == Taking Snapshots == The deletion request may include a request to document the data present in the account before deletion. This can be done as follows: 1. Go to the page that shows the data to be documented 1. In your browser (in my case Firefox on a Ubuntu 10.10) open the "Print Preview" dialogue 1. Make sure all important information is visible (if that's not the case adjust options such as portrait vs. landscape or scaling) 1. Click "Print…" 1. Set things up so you're printing to a PDF document a. On the GNOME Linux desktop environment you can select "Print to File", choose PDF as output format and choose the location the PDF should be stored a. On Windows you can use a special printing driver such as [[http://www.pdfforge.org/pdfcreator|PDFCreator]] 1. Click "Print" 1. Open the saved PDF file to make sure everything is all right 1. When writing the execution report in OTRS in the "Attachment" area just below the answer text field click "Browse…", select the file you just generated and click "Attach" {{attachment:print_pdf.avi|Screencast: Take a snapshot|width=640px,height=480px,autostart=False}}