Unfortunately, CAcert was not accepted for the SoC project this year. These are the projects and project ideas, we have to work on anyway: == Necessary projects: == * Binary Diff+Patch * Improving OpenSSL (smaller project) * Finishing the support in Konqueror (smaller project) * Completing the RegressionTest software (medium-size project) * Building a SecureBrowser (medium-size project) * Building a SecureDistribution (larger project) (depends on SecureBrowser) * Building a RandomNumber testing platform http://sig.cacert.at/random/ (smaller project) == Optional projects: == * AutoEnroll for Linux (medium-size project) * Integrating CAcert proxy into OpenCA / OpenXPKI * Integrating CAcert proxy into MS Enterprise CA * Making GnuPG useable for CA´s (medium-size project) * Creating a SecurityLayer implementation (medium-size project) * Making Somap.org useable for CAcert (medium-size project) * Developing a Database Application layer proxy, that filters requests and responses for security. (medium-size project) * Developing a Web-Application-Security Proxy (larger project) * Developing a solution for the opensc vs. pcsc-lite problem (unknown)