. '''To [[Software|Software]]''' - '''To [[Software/Assessment|Software/Assessment]]''' - '''To [[Software/CurrentTest|Software/CurrentTest]]''' - '''To [[Software/TestTeam]]''' ---- = Software Testers Reward 2011 = ||2011-07-01 [[Software/TestTeam/TestersReward2011/2011-June-Result|June 2011 Challenge Result]] - And the winner is ... || ||2011-06-02 [[Software/TestTeam/TestersReward2011/2011-May-Result|May 2011 Challenge Result]] - And the winner is ... || ||2011-05-20 C h a l l e n g e S t a r t e d || The Software Testers Reward 2011 had been started after Software-Assessment Project team escalated the Software Tests situation to board. Discussed within the Board meeting 2011-05-15 board started a motion [[https://community.cacert.org/board/motions.php?motion=m20110515.4|m20110515.4]] to reward testers for a test period of 2 months. The Software Testers Reward is first limited to two months. == Rules for the Reward 2011 == * Every Community Member can start testing and is allowed to take part of the Software Testers Reward 2011 * The patches to test where the reports will count, are listed under the [[Software/CurrentTest|Testers Portal]] ([[Software/CurrentTest|Software/CurrentTest]]) * The Reports counts, that will be added by the Software Testers related to the listed patches into the bugs.cacert.org bug# reports. * New bug reports (if not part to the listed patches) do not count * The counting period is one month. The two months are limited to May 2011 and June 2011. * The counting date of the report of a tester counts * Each test cycle counts (eg: start test with user with 0 pts, next cycle user with 50 pts, so this counts 2) * At the end of the counting period, Software Testteam t/l's counts the written reports under bugs.cacert.org * The Software Tester with the highest score will rewards 30 Euro * The Software Tester with the 2nd highest score will rewards 15 Euro * If two or more Software testers has the identical count at the end of a counting period, Testteam t/l's will raffle off the winner. * The reward will be paid to a Paypal account only (no Paypal account, no reward, or arrangement has to be done by the tester) ---- . CategorySoftwareAssessment