How do I install the CAcert source?

Developers looking into playing with the source code can follow this guide on how to install the source (please also add stuff you find to this guide!)

Also, you have to realize that you are entering unknown land here, so if something does not work, try to find it out yourself or ask on IRC...

  1. first download the source from []

  2. Extract it to some directory
  3. Set up an apache virtual host for this (
  4. Point the document root to `path-to-source/www'
  5. Enable AllowOverride All on the directory so the .htaccess is able to override the settings

  6. Change the path to the general.php in the .htaccess file
  7. Change the path to the source-root in include/general.php
  8. Copy include/mysql.php.sample to include/mysql.php
  9. Create a database for cacert, a seperate user
  10. fill the database using cacert.sql
  11. Change mysql.php at the top so cacert finds the path, change the vhost for the ssl and non-ssl hosts