'''W O R K - I N - P R O G R E S S ***** W O R K - I N - P R O G R E S S ***** W O R K - I N - P R O G R E S S ***** W O R K - I N - P R O G R E S S''' == Overview - Roles == <
> === Arbitrator === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through ..... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === Content Writer === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through words. . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * Writing, editing, grammar (wordsmith), technical, explaining complex ideas well, teaching, Wiki, technical knowledge (specific and general) . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|6 (> [[http://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/PoliciesAndSignificantTechnicalStandards/PolicyDRAFT| Policy Group]] ||<60%> edit documents ||<10%> ||<10%> || || write documents || || || || write/edit content on the wiki || || || || fix links in the wiki || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> [[http://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/Study/EducationTraining/Campus| Education]] ||<60%> write/edit documents ||<10%> ||<10%> || || write/edit content on the Wiki || || || || write/edit guides, how-tos, FAQs || || || || . || || || <
> === Policy xxx === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through .... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|6 (> [[http://wiki.cacert.org/Brain/PoliciesAndSignificantTechnicalStandards/PolicyDRAFT| Policy Group]] ||<60%> write/edit policies ||<10%> ||<10%> || || write/edit content on the wiki || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === Software Developer === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through code. . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|5 (> [[http://wiki.cacert.org/Software/DevelopmentTeam| Software Team]] ||<60%> [[http://wiki.cacert.org/Software/DevelopmentWorkflow?highlight=%28CategorySoftwareAssessment%29| Development Workflow]] ||<10%> ||<10%> || || Testing || || || || [[http://wiki.cacert.org/AuditSystemTasks?highlight=%28CategorySystemTasks%29| Rollout Community Agreement]] || || . || || [[http://bugs.cacert.org/login_page.php| bugs cacert]] || || || || . || || || <
> === Support === . '''Description of this role''': xxxx ...... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * Support Engineer .... * Triage support@ .... * Help @ cacert-support ... . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|6 (> Support Engineer ||<60%> ... in accordance with the [[SecurityManual]] ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<18% ^|6 (> Triage support@ ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<18% ^|6 (> Help @ cacert-support ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === Systems Administrator === . '''Description of this role''': Delivering a stable vibrant system framework for the CAcert community . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * Systems standardisation and documentation * Security awareness * Systems testing * change control * debugging and rectifying system problems * capability planning * Incorporation of new and old technologies and standards into systems - IPv6, OCSP, S/MIME, Client certificate authentication . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<^|4 (> [[http://wiki.cacert.org/InfrastructureSystemTasks?highlight=%28CategorySystemTasks%29| Infrastructure]] ||<60%> help to provide servers, tools and utilities for the CAcert Project ||<10%> ||<10%> || || [[http://wiki.cacert.org/InfrastructureEnhancementsSystemTasks?highlight=%28CategorySystemTasks%29| enhancements to CAcert's current infrastructure]] || || || || [[http://wiki.cacert.org/OtherTasks| other tasks]] || || || || Help maintain [[SystemAdministration/Systems|Systems]] || || || ||<^|4 (> Critical Systems Administration || Maintain core CAcert systems in accordance with the [[SecurityManual]] ||<10%> ||<10%> || || Protect the operation of CAcert certificate issuing and databases || || || || Apply innovation to further protect systems from new attack vectors || || || || meticulously plan, and document actions || || || <
> === xxx === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through ...... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === xxx === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through ...... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === xxx === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through ...... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === xxx === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through ...... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === xxx === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through ...... . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === People Person === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through leadership. . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * xxxxx . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> xx ||<60%> xx ||<10%> ||<10%> || || . || || || || . || || || || . || || || <
> === Translator === . '''Description of this role''': Communicate through translation. . '''Skills you possess or want to learn''': * English, Non-English native language, technical knowledge, translation, babel tool, etc.) . '''Examples of where and how you can contribute in this role''': * You have complete freedom to do less, more or different tasks in the different teams. Only you will set the limits. ||'''Team'''|| '''Example tasks''' || || || ||<18% ^|4 (> Education ||<60%> work with guides, how-tos, FAQs ||<10%> ||<10%> || || translate documents to your native language || || || || . || || || || . || || || ||<^|4 (> Policy Group ||<60%> work with policies ||<10%> ||<10%> || || work with content on the Wiki || || || || translate policies to your native language || || || || . || || || <
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> . ~-inspired by ''fedora''-~ ;-) <
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