Supporting CAcert

If you're using our free service you might want to give something back. Here is a list of what you can do for CAcert. In case you need contact : support (at)

Spread the word!

You can help CAcert by spreading the word and getting more people to use our certificates. Just tell your friends what CAcert is and what you can use it for. If you have any kind of contact with software developers or people like Linux distributors, you could ask them about including CAcert in their browsers, certificate stores, software, ...

CAcert Support Mailing list

If you want to help CAcert with it's daily work, you are more than welcome to help out on the CAcert Support Mailing list. All you have to do is to subscribe to the list on (see GettingSupport) and to wait for questions you can answer.

We collected some rules and hints:

Thanks for you help!

Help With Translating the Website

Sign up on where you can access the base translation (English) and translate it into other languages. Your help is appreciated

Currently 100% translated and well maintained

Reaching 100% soon

Half way through

If you speak anything else you're more than welcome!

Help with Documentation

There are a lot of questions asked every day on the support mailing list, IRC, ... It would be great to have complete documentation, FAQ, Policies etc. for all those questions and maybe you can help us writing, reviewing, optimizing, ... Every now and than we need help to translate drafts into English ...

Just contact us via IRC or subscribe to a mailing list and offer you help.

Help with the News

You can write about CAcert/security on our communal news blog at Contact (Public Relations) if you want guidance.

Programmer / Web Developer

If you are a programmer, and would like to help with the development, please join and search for those bugs that are still open, and which do not contain ready-made patches. Get the sourcecode of CAcert, and develop patches, and post them to the bugtracker. Many other applications could use better Product_Support_for_X509 so you can help them out directly.


The CAcert website needs improvements to the structure and workflow, to be more usable for new users. Please grab a copy of the CAcert sourcecode, and start improving the website. Take the information from the Wiki, and structure it to improve the usability and information availability of the website.


Please join and search for the Web-Related bugs that are still open, and do not contain ready-made patches. Get the sourcecode of CAcert (most of the website is part of the sourcecode), and write patches, and post them to the bugtracker.

Systems Administration

CAcert looks after a number of systems thanks to our system adminstration team. If you'd like to help our a current system contact the responsible system administration and talk about what you'd like to do.

If you'd like to deploy a new CAcert system to do something cool just let us know. If the board thinks it a good idea we can set it up on a virtual server. Email your proposal to the email list for some peer review first. There are some interactions with critical systems that make auditing hard and may effect your design/idea. We'd love to hear your great ideas.

Project Manager

Please contact us directly


We need someone to moderate necessary discussions, with the necessary distance to keep neutral. Please contact us directly.


If you are an auditor (WebTrust, ISO9000, SAS70, CommonCriteria, CISSP, ...), please go to, join the policy mailing list and contact us there.


Please try to take good photos at the next event of the CAcert booth/presentation there.


We need help with bookkeeping the finances, and the production of auditable financial reports. Please contact us directly.

Quality Assurance

We want to build up a team of quality assurers, who regularly review the workflows and database, challenge assurances, ... Please contact us directly.

Organisation Assurance

According to our new policy at [PolicyDrafts/OrganisationAssurance] we need people who are legally trained/qualified to know how to verify the identity and responsibility of organisations. Please contact us directly.

Emergency response

We are searching for people for our Emergency response team. (Handling abuse requests, ...)

Product Managers

We are searching for product managers in the fields of OpenPGP, X.509, Jabber, Timestamping, ... to care about products. Please see the ProductManagers page for more details.

Donating Money

If you don't have time to get personally involved you can donate money to the CAcert Association using Paymate. CAcert is a non-profit association based in Australia.

You can also apply for membership in the CAcert Association. See CacertMembership for details.

CAcert Officers