[ [[Critics/CS|Česky]] | [[Critics/DE|Deutsch]] | '''Englisch''' | [[Critics/FR|Français]] | [[Critics/NL|Nederlands]] | [[Critics/PT|Português]] ] Why CAcert does not this or that? Sometimes, people leaf comments about CAcert, people criticise CAcert. On this page, we link to some of this articles. The selection is intended to encourage us to make CAcert even better, to keep the sore points in mind. == Critics == * Goodby CAcert: Why an user did not renew his certificats: [[InclusionStatus|Browser trust]] and support the [[ACME|ACME SSL certificate renewal protocol]]. (17-11-2016) https://cweiske.de/tagebuch/cacert-bye.htm * Why I won't be using "Let's Encrypt" and recommend others not to also. (20-11-2014) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141120073425-26662417-why-i-won-t-be-using-let-s-encrypt-and-recommend-other-not-to-also * About browser inclusion and validated cartificates. (6-12-2013) https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/28595/why-is-godaddy-https-ssl-certification-so-much-cheaper-than-digicert-thawte-an * The true solution would be to push more to use DNSSEC and DANE. (21-11-2014) https://www.22decembre.eu/2014/11/21/lets-encrypt-en/ * Validity of Certification Chains. http://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2011/docs/p427.pdf * About communication with the community and inclusion. (9-4-2014) https://danielpocock.com/double-whammy-for-cacert.org-users * LanceB98 write a comment. https://blog.codinghorror.com/lets-encrypt-everything/ == Comparaisons == * About the difference between Let's encrypt and CAcert (see the comments). (18-11-2014) https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2014/11/a_new_free_ca.html * About the difference between Let's encrypt, StartCom and CAcert. (12-04-2015) http://andrea.corbellini.name/2015/04/12/lets-encrypt-the-road-towards-a-better-web/ * CACert vs Let's Encrypt vs StartSSL. (28-06-2017) http://linux.goeszen.com/cacert-vs-lets-encrypt-vs-sthttps://socpuppet.blogspot.ch/2016/12/cacert-and-letsencrypt-differences.html * == Cross Signing == * [[https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/cross-signing-with-cacert/13111|Cross signing]] with Let's encrypt for browser inclusion? -> first information, othr steps had to follow. * How [[https://www.identrust.com/company/press_releases/2014/2014_news.html|Let's encrypt]] came into the browsers *