1. Work on Paypal Interface.

Christopher is writing an API to do automatic-resolution of the Paypal donations. This will run on the critical server, as part of the online system. Once the API is set up, there will not be any email nor will there be any data stored on the online system. Therefore we will not require special handling for the email, or access to "space" on the critical server.

Until the API is completed, and the automatic-resolution is set up, Paypal will be solved with a wiki-page (you can find this here: http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/Brain/CAcertInc/Finance/FinanceAccounting/Paypal ). Data that people are allowed to see will be visible, other data will not be visible.

2. Regarding transactions accounting - privacy

Privacy-data has to be kept private. We are not allowed to post or send around private data from donators, nor for other accounting transactions. A donator can be only named, if we have a written signed approval from the donator. A checkbox somewhere in the account or on the website is not enough.

Accounting issues such as donations are part of the treasurer work, not part of support, so this issue belongs with the Treasurer, not with the Support Officer. As treasurer I'm responsible for this data, and this responsibility should not be delegated. Even if people are under CCA or under policies like Security Policy, there are normal business processes and legal responsibilities which place Accounting issues under the Treasurer. We are here not speaking from our little world, we are speaking here from real life legal issues. As Treasurer, I have to "avoid" that something might happen - anything else would be seen as "gross negligence." In normal business I have to act in this way.

Therefore, normally, Support should not receive the privacy-data related to transactions, although perhaps it is understandable that it has been done in the past.

I will send "thank-you-mail" manually until it is possible to send automatically (they are not so much - it is workable to send it directly from xls-file). Could I find somewhere a sample what was written in the past? In a normal business such work is normally done by somebody in the accounting/administration. In normal business, support have access to the data they need for support-work, not more and not less, and there exist log-files, so that at any time, someone could follow up who has accessed which data.

3. Finance Overview Jul 09 - Jun 10

As long we haven't get any historical accounting data, the overview is provisional. It can be found here: http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/Brain/CAcertInc/Finance/FinanceProjection Instructions on how to read the rows can be found at the bottom of the page.

The current estimation (the numbers and totals) is based on the following information: Bank-account 2009-02-10 till 2009-08-06 (csv-file only, no copies of documents) Paypal-account Contract Oophaga (hosting & power) Advertising (part which is confirmed)

Missing information: Historical accounting (annual report, balance sheet and P&L) Copies of bank-statements Information about open liabilities (beside the ones already known) Information about advertising (have to collect information, takes time to collect - till answer will arrive)

IDL is not considered, as it doesn't affect cash (according to actual offer).

4. Planning next 12 month:

To know how much money we will need in the next 12 month, we should do some planning. Events (per event in detail) Projects (per project in detail and timeframe) Re-incorporation (estimation expenses and timeframe)

For example - see blog http://blog.cacert.org/2009/09/423.html Quotation "It should also be fun! Maybe, just maybe, we can run a design competition to create the design for a new-generation, open and secure signing server. Any one agree?" If we will run such a competition, we have to plan the costs and expenses now to ask for money.


We can ask for funding for every project/event. W can ask on our site via paypal (for this we need the paypal-API) and also ask direct sponsors. We can show on our website each project goal: $3000 Needed, Raised to date: $350 However, we have to split the overall funding requirement into pieces, because it does not work to say "we need 100K ..." Which requires planning!

Brain/CAcertInc/Finance/20090913_finance_report (last edited 2009-09-13 22:52:43 by SunTzuMelange)