Before: Arbitrator name arbitrator (A), Respondent: name respondent (R), Claimant: CAcert Inc. (C), Case: a20190409.1

History Log

EOT Private Part

Original Dispute

Dear arbitrator

As the secretary of CAcert Inc. I represent in this case the committee of
this association and ask you for your support to fullfill a board motion to
bring CAcert Inc in accordance with the statutes, as 3.1 "(c) Nominee must
not be an employee of, or contracted to, either a Certificate Authority
which provides digital certification or identification services or digital
signing services for financial reward, or an organisation which is employed
by or contracted to a Certificate Authority which provides digital
certification or identification services or digital signing services for
financial reward.
(d) Failure to adhere with clause (c) results in expulsion from the
association at any time." The committee is of the opinion that former
CAcert members, who are now building up a competing CA in Austria, are not
formally employees of the latter, but at least de facto fall under these
paragraphs of the statutes of CAcert Inc..

There is no need to notify people that are no more active in the community
or even left it or are now working for another CA are notified about
changes in the wiki. For this reason, the committee moved on its meeting on
March 21st, 2019 "that the wiki admin is authorised and instructed to
remove the notifications sent to people no longer active at CAcert." by
3yes, 0 no, 0 abst. As the wiki belongs to the community and not to the
association, the committee cannot advice the wiki admin to do so, that is
the reason, as I ask the arbitrator to do so.

I was told by the Wiki admin that he can't remove individual people, only
all of them. The function seems to be quite old and the people who are
notified have not been active for many years, even though some of them are
still members of the community. Therefore it seems to me in coordination
with the Wiki Admin appropriate to have all notifications removed.

Demand: that the wiki admin is authorised and instructed to remove the
notifications sent.





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