* Case Number: a20131122.1 * Status: withdrawn * Claimants: AlexRobertson * Respondents: Telmo M * Initial Case Manager: AlexRobertson * Case Manager: name case manager * Arbitrator: name arbitrator * Date of arbitration start: 201Y-MM-DD * Date of ruling: 201Y-MM-DD * Case closed: 201Y-MM-DD * Complaint: CCA 2.5.2 violation * Relief: TBD Before: Arbitrator name arbitor (A), Respondent: Telmo M (R), Claimant: AlexRobertson (C), Case: a201YMMDD.n == History Log == . 2013-11-22 (issue.c.o) case deriving from [[http://wiki.cacert.org/arbitrations/a20101111.1|a20101111.1]] . 2013-11-22 (iCM): added to wiki, request for CM / A . 2013-11-24 (iCM): case withdrawn == Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part) (optional) == * '''Link to Arbitration case [[Arbitrations/priv/a20131122.1|a20131122.1 (Private Part)]], Access for (CM) + (A) only)''' ## ==> INCLUDE SECTION BOT <> ## <== INCLUDE SECTION EOT ==== EOT Private Part ==== == Discovery == == Ruling == . I withdraw this case and reinstate the original case following rapid responses from (R) regarding the 1st ruling in the original case <
> Alex Robertson<
> 24 November 2013<
> Crewe UK<
> == Execution == == Similiar Cases == ---- . CategoryArbitration ''' and please add one of the following Topics, delete the rest ''' . [[CategoryArbCaseCCAViolation]]