Before: Arbitrator UlrichSchroeter (A), Respondent: CAcert (R), Claimant: Bas D(C), Case: a20120622.1

History Log

Original Dispute, Discovery (Private Part)

EOT Private Part

Intermediate Ruling #1

I'll hereby follow the case a20120528.1 and I give the following Intermediate Ruling:

Intermediate ruling #1 I order that one access engineer and one or two critical adminstrator(s) are allowed to access the BIT facilities to analyse and probably fix the current signer problem. If further authorisation is required according to SP you can call me by mobile +##-####-###.#### The critical team shall prepare an report for later review according to SP procedures

Frankfurt/Main, 2012-06-22


Intermediate ruling #2

A team from Access Engineers and Critical team is allowed to visit BIT again as a follow-up of the Friday, 2012-06-22 visit to replace the broken disk as proposed by Bas van Dikkenberg in the confirmation email dated 2012-06-23 of the last visit report by Mendel dated 2012-06-23 The critical team shall prepare a report for later review according to SP procedures also of this visit.

Frankfurt/Main, 2012-06-25




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