Stefan R. got assured by Sebastian F. in Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2009 under the name "moep moep", and also with a fake date of birth.

Before: Arbitrator BernhardFröhlich (A), Respondent: Sebastian F. (R), Claimant: Dirk Astrath (C), Case: a20090406.2

History Log



From the information provided by C and R it can be assumed that the Assurance given by R was not valid.

I therefore give the ruling that the Assurance and the corresponding Experience points shall be canceled.

The Assurance in question was one of the first ones the Respondent has made, he has freely provided all necessary information and there seem to be no malicios intentions. Therefore I rule that the Respondent shall be informed about his mistake and encouraged to administer more care in the future, but no further penalties against the Respondent are imposed at this time.

After the Assurance has been canceled Stefan R. shall be notified that he shall correct name and DoB in his account.


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