Next Annual General Meeting 2014-2015

This is the discussion page for the next AGM covering the Financial Year 2014/2015. This page is used to refer to discussions happening around the proposed business.


Report Works-in-Progress

Note any reports from the Community and Teams to the Association here:

CAcert Annual Report 2015 (compiled)


  1. Meeting Administration
    1. Who is making minutes?
    2. Identification of members with voting rights
    3. Identify proxy votes
    4. Identification and acceptance of new members
    5. Urgent Business (Acceptance of addtl. resolution into the agenda)?
  2. Ratification of Minutes
    1. Annual General Meeting 2014-07-20 AGM/AGM20140720#Minutes

  3. Presentation of Annual Reports - link

    1. Presentation of Executive Report
    2. Presentation of Financial Report
    3. Presentation of Team Reports
    4. Presentation of Member Reports
  4. Special Resolutions
    • (none)
  5. Ordinary Resolutions
    1. Board reports about the current situation of support and arbitration up to the actual date, by Marc Hofmann
    2. Sub committee for transition, by Benedikt Heintel
    3. Adjust Arbitration (1) *

    4. Adjust Arbitration (2) *

    5. Public Relation Officer, by Stefan Thode
    6. Event Officer, by Stefan Thode
    7. Software Team Lead, by Stefan Thode
    8. Suspension member 1, by Benny Baumann
    9. Suspension member 2, by Benny Baumann

* The applicant considers it important that the resolutions have been submitted for the postponed AGM in September and not for the AGM in November. Accordingly, he had asked to drop them.

  1. Committee Elections

Nominations for Member of the Committee

At each next AGM, the Committee ("Board") is dissolved and a new one is elected. A new Committee should be formed for the term that follows the AGM, up to the next AGM, where the same procedure applies.

Acceptance: {0} pending, {+} accepted, {-} declined


Nominated by

Seconded by



Comments and link

Ben Ball

Reinhard Mutz

Jürgen Bruckner



link to wiki

Name here

link to post

link to post

link to post

XX country code

link to wiki

Nominations for board directors should be sent to the Secretary (secretary at cacert) in signed email. CC to the cacert-board at cacert. Also, if you want someone to second your nomination, CC that person.

After the election, Checklist for new Board.

Ordinary Resolutions

A member may propose a resolution in a general meeting. Members must be notified 14 days in advance of the motions, in a call for a general meeting.

The following (ordinary) resolutions will be / have been proposed:


Title on Agenda

Call Mail



Board reports about the current situation of support and arbitration up to the actual date

Board reports about the current situation of support and arbitration up to the actual date

by Marc Hofmann

Discussion page


I request to create a sub committee, staff it and delegate the needed power to it, to prepare and conduct the transition of assets and information from CAcert Inc.

Sub committee for transition

by Benedikt Heintel


I request to vote a new Public Relation Officer

Public Relation Officer

by Stefan Thode

Discussion Page

I request to vote a new Event Officer

Event Officer

by Stefan Thode

Discussion Page

I request to vote a new Software Team Lead

Software Team Lead

by Stefan Thode

Discussion Page

I request to block E[...] from all positions within CAcert Inc. for at least 2 years. Revoke all rights and functions, except Assurer state, ever granted to her. [...]

Suspension member 1

by Benny Baumann

Discussion Page

I request to block D[...] from all positions within CAcert Inc. for at least 2 years. Revoke all rights and functions, except Assurer state, ever granted to him. [...]

Suspension member 2

by Benny Baumann

Discussion Page

Special Resolutions -- Rule Changes

A member may propose a change to the rules, to be voted as a special resolution in a general meeting. Members must be notified 21 days in advance of the motions, in a call for a general meeting.

No proposals for changes of Rules of the Association were received by Secretary in time according to Rule 32 (a) and will be handled as Special Resolutions.

The following special resolutions will be / have been proposed: (there are none special resolutions) #||Item ||Title on Agenda ||Call Mail ||Discussion Page || ||

1.3 Identify proxy votes

The proxies for the meeting are:


For the Secretary?



AGM 2013-11-17

Minutes of AGM 2014-07-20

Minutes of AGM 2014-07-20

1 Meeting administration

The AGM took place on 2014-07-20 in the #agm channel on

Attendees: 15 members at the opening of the meeting

Proxies: 7 proxy votes

Chaired by Dirk Astrath (VicePresident) at 20:06 UTC in the absence of the President, Werner Dworak.

1.1 Who is making minutes?

Brian McCullough volunteered to make minutes for the meeting. Guillaume Romagny offered to be a back-up.

1.2 Identification of members with voting rights

Etienne Ruedin (Secretary) confirmed that all members present in the channel are entitled to vote.

1.3 Identify proxy votes

The proxies for the meeting are:

Member holding proxy

Members entitled to vote, not present

Martin Gummi

Jeffery Frederick

Marcus Maengel

Fabian Knopf, Juergen Bruckner, Ulrich Schroeter

Guillaume Romagny

Guy Scharinger

Etienne Ruedin

Ian Alastair (Alex) Robertson

Dirk Astrath

Werner Dworak

Benedikt Heintel

Eva Stöwe ( she was present but might be called away )

1.4 Identification and acceptance of new members

Secretary reported that there are no pending membership applications.

1.5 Urgent business

No proposals for additional agenda items received by Secretary or from the floor.

2. Ratification of Minutes

2.1 Ratification of the minutes for the Annual General Meeting 2013-11-27

Secretary announced that voting will be handled by the VoteBot and gave a short overview of rules for voting. ( see the footnote for that explanation )

Discussion of typographic errors

Voting was started to accept the (current at the time) of the minutes.

3 Presentation of Annual Reports

3.1 Presentation of Executive Report

Board report presented at A Diary was also presented at

Discussion of errors and omissions in the Executive Report ensued, including proposals for a possible SGM to complete the approval.

3.2 Presentation of Financial Report

The financial report for Financial Year 2013-2014 was presented at

3.3 Presentation of Team Reports

The Team Reports may be found at:

Discussion of missing items ensued.

4 Special Resolutions

No special Resolutions were proposed.

5 Ordinary Resolutions

No Ordinary Resolutions were proposed.

6 Election of office-bearers of the association and ordinary members of the committee.

Secretary announced that there were six nominations accepted for seven committee positions and thus all are taken to be elected according to Rule 16 (2):

 - Dirk Astrath
 - Ben Ball
 - Robert Cruikshank
 - Jürgen Bruckner
 - Michael Tänzer
 - Etienne Ruedin

Nominations were solicited from the floor.

Guillaume Romagny was nominated and accepted the nomination.

Because there are seven nominations for the seven committee positions, they are elected by acclamation, according to Rule 16 ( 2 ).

New Board is:

 - Dirk Astrath
 - Ben Ball
 - Robert Cruikshank
 - Jürgen Bruckner
 - Michael Tänzer
 - Etienne Ruedin
 - Guillaume Romagny

7 General Discussion

Chair opened the meeting for general discussion.

Discussion of the timing of this AGM. Some members thought that is was too early, considering the time of year and our history of having it much later in the year. However, this year the Financial Report was completed very promptly, and the timing of the AGM depends on that report's completion. This year other factors influenced the timing of the AGM as well. The discussion became a bit heated at times.

Question about whether cacert-members was still in use as a mailing list. Yes, definitely.

Benny Baumann asked: When will Board execute its motion m20140413.3? He was told that that was up to the new Board.

8 Meeting closure

The AGM was closed at 22:45 UTC by the chair.

Motions within AGM


Motion from Benny Baumann: Board should fix up the Board Report within the next 4 weeks to be approved at a later time.



Motion from Benedikt Heintel: As a member of CAcert Inc. I hereby move, the old committee must finish the board report within 6 weeks from this meeting!



Accept the CAcert Financial Report for Financial Year 2013-2014


If you are the proxy for another member you can vote by typing: "proxy membername aye/naye/abstain"