Next Annual General Meeting 2012-2013

This is the discussion page for the next AGM covering the FY 2012/2013. This page is used to refer to discussions happening around the proposed business.


Report Works-in-Progress

Note any reports from the Community and Teams to the Association here:

CAcert Annual Report 2013 (compiled)


  1. Meeting Administration
    1. Who is making minutes?
    2. Identification of members with voting rights
    3. Identify proxy votes
    4. Identification and acceptance of new members
    5. Urgent Business (Acceptance of addtl. resolution into the agenda)?
  2. Ratification of Minutes
    1. Annual General Meeting 2012-11-25 AGM/AGM20121125#Minutes

    2. Special General Meeting 2013-03-17 SGM/SGM20130317#Minutes

  3. Presentation of Annual Reports - link

    1. Presentation of Executive Report
    2. Presentation of Financial Report
    3. Presentation of Team Reports
    4. Presentation of Member Reports
  4. Special Resolutions
    1. Specification of Rule 9: Fees and subscriptions

    2. Another Proposal for Rule 9

    3. Option to Waive Membership Fee (Rule 9)

  5. Ordinary Resolutions
  6. Committee Elections

Nominations for Member of the Committee

At each next AGM, the committee ("Board") is dissolved and a new one is elected. A new Committee should be formed for the term that follows the AGM, up to the next AGM, where the same procedure applies.

Acceptance: {0} pending, {+} accepted, {-} declined


Nominated by

Seconded by



Comments and link

Dirk Astrath

Martin Gummi

Werner Dworak



link to wiki

Jürgen Bruckner

Marcus Mängel

Martin Gummi



link to wiki

Werner Dworak

Martin Gummi

Patrick Pointu, Alex Robertson



link to wiki

Alex Robertson

Werner Dworak

Benny Baumann



link to wiki

Michael Tänzer

Marcus Mängel

Werner Dworak, Martin Gummi



link to wiki

Name here

link to post

link to post

link to post

XX country code

link to wiki

Nominations for board directors should be sent to the Secretary (secretary at cacert) in signed email. CC to the cacert-board at cacert. Also, if you want someone to second your nomination, CC that person.

After the election, Checklist for new Board.

Ordinary Resolutions

A member may propose a resolution in a general meeting. Members must be notified 14??? days in advance of the motions, in a call for a general meeting.

The following (ordinary) resolutions will be / have been proposed:


Title on Agenda

Call Mail



from agenda


link to member's request

link to wiki


Special Resolutions -- Rule Changes

A member may propose a change to the rules, to be voted as a special resolution in a general meeting. Members must be notified 21 days in advance of the motions, in a call for a general meeting.

Three proposals for changes of Rules of the Association were received by Secretary in time according to Rule 32 (a) and will be handled as Special Resolutions:

The following special resolutions will be / have been proposed:


Title on Agenda

Call Mail

Discussion Page

Specification of Rule 9: Fees and subscriptions


by Benedikt Heintel


Another Proposal for Rule 9


by Michael Taenzer


Option to Waive Membership Fee


by Michael Taenzer


For the Secretary?



AGM 2012-11-25

SGM 2013-03-17

Minutes of AGM 2012-11-25

Minutes of SGM 2013-03-17


AGM 2013-11-17

Minutes of AGM 2013-11-17

1 Meeting administration

The AGM took place on 2014-11-17 in the #agm channel on

Opened by Werner Dworak (President) at 21:01 UTC.

Chaired by dirk astrath (VicePresident) at 21:11 UTC.

1.1 Who is making minutes?

Werner Dworak offered to make minutes for the meeting.

Editors Remark: Dirk Astrath made minutes for the meeting.

1.2 Identification of members with voting rights

Tomáš Trnka (Secretary) confirmed that all members present in the channel are entitled to vote.

1.3 Identify proxy votes

The proxies for the meeting are:

1.4 Identification and acceptance of new members

Secretary reported that there are no pending membership applications.

1.5 Urgent business

No proposals for additional agenda items received by Secretary or from the floor. Benedikt wants an open discussion about the Association Move after the election. This was added to the agenda.

2. Ratification of Minutes

2.1 Ratification of the minutes for the Annual General Meeting 2011-11-27

Secretary announced that voting will be handled by the VoteBot and gave a short overview of rules for voting.

Voting was started to accept the (current at the time) of the minutes.

2.2 Ratification of the minutes for the Special General Meeting 2013-03-17

Secretary announced that voting will be handled by the VoteBot and gave a short overview of rules for voting.

Voting was started to accept the (current at the time) of the minutes.

3 Presentation of Annual Reports

3.1 Presentation of Executive Report

Board report presented. No objections were raised.

3.2 Presentation of Financial Report

The financial report for Financial Year 2012-2013 was presented.

3.3 Presentation of Team Reports

4 Special Resolutions

Three special Resolutions were proposed:

(1) Specification of Rule 9: Fees and subscriptions (2) Specification of Rule 9: Fees and subscriptions - Second proposal (3) Option to Waive Membership Fee

After a short discussion about how to handle and vote due to the different proposals of Rule 9 the voting was started:

5 Ordinary Resolutions

No Ordinary Resolutions were proposed.

6 Election of office-bearers of the association and ordinary members of the committee.

Secretary announced that there wer five nominations accepted for seven committee positions and thus all are taken to be elected according to Rule 16 (2):

 - Dirk Astrath
 - Juergen Bruckner
 - Werner Dworak
 - Alex Robertson
 - Michael Tänzer

There were no AU residents on Board so further action is necessary to comply with the Association Act.

From the floor Ben Ball, Etienne Ruedin and Robert Cruikshank offered to get nominated, so a voting started for Ben Ball

After the motion it was detected, that Robert currently no member of CAcert Inc., so Etienne was accepted under Rule 16 (4).

 - Dirk Astrath
 - Juergen Bruckner
 - Werner Dworak
 - Alex Robertson
 - Michael Tänzer
 - Ben Ball
 - Etienne Ruedin

7 General Discussion

Chair opened the meeting for general discussion.

The first question/discussion was from Benedict (as listed under 1.5): Possible move of CAcert to Europe. After a longer discussion an informational poll was made:

8 Meeting closure

The AGM was closed at 00:00 UTC by the chair.

Motions within AGM